Ottawa Citizen

Ditched Tory candidate plans to fight new vote


The Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ves might think they’ve got Jeremy Roberts as their candidate in Ottawa West—Nepean, but the candidate they ditched to get him is challengin­g the legitimacy of the meeting that picked him.

Karma Macgregor has never been officially informed that she’s out, lawyer Joshua Henderson claims, and the Wednesday night meeting to acclaim Roberts as her replacemen­t in Ottawa West— Nepean is invalid.

“Not only has my client never received official notificati­on from the party president or the (provincial nomination­s committee) that her nomination was overturned almost one month ago, but over the last few days, she has received dozens of calls and emails from concerned members in (the riding ), who were not aware there was even a new nomination meeting,” Henderson wrote in an email to the Tory party executive, forwarded to the Citizen.

The nomination­s committee is a group of senior party officials who say yes or no to would-be candidates and authorize local groups to hold nomination meetings.

The Progressiv­e Conservati­ves didn’t answer questions about the challenge Wednesday afternoon.

“Please provide me with the proof that an official notice of this nomination meeting was sent out to the entire OWN membership, in accordance with the rules,” his email to the party brass said.

The Tory rules say riding associatio­n members have to be told of nomination meetings in writing at least three weeks in advance, “or at the discretion of the provincial nomination­s committee.”

Henderson also said Macgregor has been targeted by anonymous threats and harassment and has reported them to the police.

Macgregor, a Senate staffer, was picked as the PC challenger to Liberal minister Bob Chiarelli in a contentiou­s meeting last May. She beat Roberts, another Parliament Hill Conservati­ve, by 15 votes, but local party officials complained there were 28 more ballots counted than there were registered voters. Emma McLennan, the riding associatio­n president, complained that dozens of membership­s in the riding appeared to be bogus.

When then-leader Patrick Brown used his authority to confirm Macgregor as the candidate, the local party people quit en masse.

Macgregor’s daughter is Tamara Macgregor, an early supporter of Brown’s, one of his deputy chiefs of staff and a former girlfriend.

After Brown quit as Tory leader amid sexual misconduct claims, the party’s nomination­s committee announced it was overturnin­g Macgregor’s nomination and a similarly messy one in Scarboroug­h. She appealed the decision to the party executive, another level up, but that group denied her.

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Karma Macgregor

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