Ottawa Citizen

Crunch time for the Tory leadership race



Less than a month from now, Canadian Conservati­ves will pick their leader to take them to battle with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2019. But voting can happen anytime now that ballots have been mailed out.

The victor will inherit a big tent party with fresh memories of steady centralize­d control under Stephen Harper, and of masterful House of Commons performanc­es from interim leader Rona Ambrose.

For more than a year, this leadership race has been defined by the starkly different visions offered by candidates.

And then came a pivotal moment: reality TV personalit­y Kevin O’Leary dropped a bombshell by dropping out of the race and throwing his “full support” behind libertaria­n Quebec candidate Maxime Bernier. But there’s not guarantee O’Leary voters will support Bernier.

Hoping to come up the middle are moderates like Andrew Scheer, who say they can appeal to a broader range of Conservati­ves. Former cabinet ministers Erin O’Toole and Lisa Raitt fall into this category, too.

There’s surgeon Kellie Leitch, with her polarizing talk of immigrant-screening. And red-Tory darling Michael Chong, who is poised to capture votes from those who’ve joined the party in recent months specifical­ly to protest candidates such as Leitch (if online campaigns are to be believed).

So here’s a refresher on the cast of characters vying for the top Tory job, and some key things to remember them by:


Campaign highlight: Fluently bilingual, sophistica­ted about foreign affairs, backed by his experience as ambassador to Afghanista­n. One of the higher-profile moments of his campaign was at an Alberta rally where Alexander seemed to condone a chant of “lock her up,” about Premier Rachel Notley, prompted by his speech. He said later he was “mortified” by the chant.

Oddball policy: Increase immigratio­n to 400,000 people a year. You may recall: An interview with the CBC in 2015, when he was smacked down by Power and Politics host Rosemary Barton. Pairs well with: Erin O’Toole, because of their foreign policy chops.


Campaign highlight: With a trade war brewing with the United States, Bernier points out he’s long advocated ending supply management, including dairy products, one of the policies irking Donald Trump. It’s one of a variety of policies that Bernier says would end corporate welfare in Canada. Oddball policy: Abolish the “maple syrup cartel,” part of a promise to eliminate all inter-provincial trade barriers. You may recall: Bernier resigned as foreign minister after forgetting sensitive documents at the apartment of a girlfriend with past ties to biker gangs. Pairs well with: His policies don’t align well with other candidates, but consider other Harper-era cabinet ministers, such as Lisa Raitt.


Campaign highlight: Has stood out at debates. Sometimes, it’s because of props — he brought an empty nuclear rod to one as an example of clean energy; other times it’s because of his spirited attacks on Bernier.

Oddball policy: Completely dismantle First Nations reserves. Ban the niqab in the public service. You may recall: Blaney was the frontman for the Harper government’s removal of the long-form census and the controvers­ial anti-terrorism law known as Bill C-51.

Pairs well with: Kellie Leitch, because their views on immigratio­n are similar. Definitely not Maxime Bernier.


Campaign highlight: While all the other candidates oppose carbon pricing under any circumstan­ce, Chong at least sticks to his guns on advocating for a revenue-neutral carbon tax.

Oddball policy: Make political party membership free.

You may recall: Chong, theninterg­overnmenta­l affairs minister, resigned from Harper’s first cabinet in 2006 in protest of a parliament­ary motion that recognized Quebec as a nation within a nation. Pairs well with: Lisa Raitt, because she’s the next-mostprogre­ssive candidate with parliament­ary experience. Definitely not Kellie Leitch.


Campaign highlight: Leitch’s idea to test immigrants for “Canadian values” may be polarizing, but it has found a foothold in Canadian society, with polls indicating support for the policy. On the other hand, an awkward eight-minute video on values screening was ridiculed online.

Oddball policy: Legalize pepper spray for self defence. Dismantle the CBC.

You may recall: Leitch and fellow candidate Chris Alexander were the two who announced a tip line for “barbaric cultural practices” during the 2015 election campaign, a ridiculed policy said to have contribute­d to Harper’s downfall. Pairs well with: Steven Blaney, because they share hard-line views. Definitely not Michael Chong.


Campaign highlight: The only candidate openly advocating for legal changes related to abortion, which he calls “life issues.” Specifical­ly, he would legislate to make sex-selective abortion a crime.

Oddball policy: Institute term limits for Supreme Court justices. You may recall: While serving as an MP, The Canadian Press reported Lemieux’s hobby was competitiv­e “cowboy action shooting.” His nom-de-gunslingin­g was “The Lawman.” Pairs well with: Brad Trost, because these two are the most socially conservati­ve of the bunch.


Campaign highlight: The longest-serving Conservati­ve MP in the House of Commons, Obhrai’s sense of humour has won him fans, especially at debates. Even his campaign website — — is a good one. “The package”— get it?

Oddball policy: Recycle nuclear waste fuel with Fast Neutron Reactors.

You may recall: Obhrai, who immigrated to Canada from Tanzania, was first elected as a member of the Reform Party, then the Canadian Alliance. Pairs well with: Moderate MPs like Lisa Raitt, Andrew Scheer or Erin O’Toole, but definitely not Kellie Leitch; Obhrai is one of her most vocal opponents.


Campaign highlight: Though entering the race later than some of his peers, O’Toole has smartly saved up endorsemen­ts for late announceme­nts, overtaking Andrew Scheer in MP support, and focused on garnering second- and thirdchoic­e support. Oddball policy: Pursuing a Canada-Australia-New Zealand trade bloc. You may recall: O’Toole served in the military for 12 years, experience that helped vault him to the veterans affairs ministry at the beginning of 2015, a department he inherited from beleaguere­d Harperite Julian Fantino.

Pairs well with: Andrew Scheer or Lisa Raitt, fellow moderate MPs.


Campaign highlight: Since O’Leary dropped out, now the only other candidate who’s never served in parliament. Has also taken on the “most bombastic” title. His fundraisin­g game has proved weak — an April email to party members featured a pitch from his dog and a Liberal insult. Oddball policy: Completely eliminate corporate income tax. You may recall: Peterson unsuccessf­ully ran for B.C. Conservati­ve Party leader in 2014. Pairs well with: Maxime Bernier, who is similarly focused on economic issues and advocates a corporate tax cut.


Campaign highlight: One of Raitt’s first big moves was to hold a press conference launching a website called stopkevino­, which also attacked Kellie Leitch. Has also been advocating Alzheimer’s awareness: her husband, Bruce Wood, was diagnosed with early onset of the disease a year ago.

Oddball policy: Activate Conservati­ve grassroots and undertake the biggest “policy developmen­t process” in the party’s history.

You may recall: In 2009, when Raitt was natural resources minister, secret briefing documents were left at a CTV News studio. After a week, they reported what was inside, and Raitt’s director of communicat­ions resigned.

Pairs well with: Andrew Scheer or Erin O’Toole, fellow moderate MPs.


Campaign highlight: Launched a social media campaign claiming “boring gets the job done” — and released a “boring hall of fame” online, which included former prime ministers Harper and John Diefenbake­r.

Oddball policy: Balanced budget by 2021. You may recall: Saxton was the MP for North Vancouver from 2008 until 2015, and was particular­ly active in

Canada-Asia parliament­ary groups. He was previously in real estate,

Pairs well with: Steady Harper-like candidates such as Andrew Scheer or Erin O’Toole.


Campaign highlight: Has led caucus support for most of the campaign if you include Conservati­ve senators. Has positioned himself as a big tent candidate who can appeal to every type of Conservati­ve, and speaks decent French. A younger, less-scary Stephen Harper.

Oddball policy: Drop federal funding for universiti­es that don’t protect free speech on campus. Add property rights to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You may recall: Scheer served as the youngest-ever Speaker of the House of Commons, ascending to the post in 2011, at age 32. Was one of 13 people put on a retaliator­y sanctions list by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014.

Pairs well with: Erin O’Toole or Lisa Raitt.


Campaign highlight: Trost is pro-life, would repeal the Liberals’ trans-rights bill and, as his campaign manager described it in one video, “not entirely comfortabl­e with the whole gay thing.” One of the highestpro­file moments in Trost’s campaign was fallout from a promise not to fund gay pride parades.

Oddball policy: Allow off-duty police officers to conceal and carry guns.

You may recall: Was publicly unhappy with his own government in 2011, because it was funding the Internatio­nal Planned Parenthood Federation. At a policy convention in spring 2016, he was one of the voices arguing for the party to retain a traditiona­l definition of marriage as “the union of one man and one woman.” Pairs well with: Pierre Lemieux, the other social-conservati­ve candidate.


It’s crunch time. The Conservati­ve Party leadership


Every party member who is in good standing receives a single ballot on which they rank their preferred candidates for Conservati­ve Party leader.

Ballots come in the mail. Once they’re filled out, voters have two options: they can send the ballot back to the Conservati­ve Party by mail or bring their ballot to a polling station. Mailed-in ballots are due by May 26 at 5 p.m.

Polling stations are available in Edmonton, Winnipeg, Moncton, Montreal and eight Ontario locations on May 27, with various hours of operation. None are listed for Saskatchew­an, British Columbia, northern territorie­s or other Atlantic provinces. Local ridings are responsibl­e for setting up polling places. Ballot boxes will also be available on the convention floor in Toronto.


Each of Canada’s 338 electoral districts is worth 100 points, for a total of 33,800 points. Candidates get a points total for each riding based on their percentage of the vote. Spoiled ballots don’t count in that calculatio­n. According to the party, less than a third of federal ridings have more than 1,000 party members.

The winner must receive a majority of points from across the country. If no one has a majority after the first count, the candidate with the fewest points nationally is dropped. Votes for that candidate are reallocate­d to the second choices marked on ballots.

The same process is repeated, if necessary, until one candidate has 16,901 or more of the 33,800 total points.

The party is in an unusual situation because one of the most recognizab­le names on the ballot, Kevin O’Leary, quit after forms were already printed and mailed off. If members put O’Leary first, their second choice won’t be counted until O’Leary naturally drops off the ballot. The leadership election organizing committee may review this process, a party spokesman said.

An independen­t auditor hired by the party verifies vote counts and point totals.


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 ?? COLE BURSTON / BLOOMBERG ?? Maxime Bernier, speaking at the final leadership debate in Toronto last month, is considered the frontrunne­r since reality-TV star Kevin O’Leary withdrew. The ballots have been sent out and the winner will be announced on May 27.
COLE BURSTON / BLOOMBERG Maxime Bernier, speaking at the final leadership debate in Toronto last month, is considered the frontrunne­r since reality-TV star Kevin O’Leary withdrew. The ballots have been sent out and the winner will be announced on May 27.

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