Ottawa Citizen

Carleton Place mayor fires back at media, councillor­s


The mayor of Carleton Place has pushed back against the recent controvers­y around him and some members of council with a blistering 25-minute tirade that left several of his colleagues visibly stunned.

On Tuesday night, with his voice occasional­ly quivering, Mayor Louis Antonakos responded to a motion calling on the council to improve its media relations.

“What concerns me most right now regarding council is that the agenda item and discussion (are) taking place, without any background material or valid references to inform council or the residents of our community in regards to what this is really about,” said Antonakos. “Or how to begin to solve a problem that appears to have been fabricated in the newspapers.”

Coun. Brian Doucett’s motion stated the mayor “continues to refuse to respond to the media about important issues facing the community.”

But Antonakos decried the motion, admonished the councillor who brought it to committee, and denied all accusation­s he has “willfully refused or ignored the media,” going on to suggest recent media reports were either “fabri-

Controvers­y has descended on politics in the small community outside Ottawa in recent months. The mayor has not responded to requests from this newspaper for comment on issues such as an integrity commission­er’s report that ruled a “toxic relationsh­ip” between the mayor and a fellow councillor has been “damaging to the town.”

On Tuesday, Antonakos said recent media reports have left him feeling “violated and disrespect­ed for my 10-plus years of service to the community that I love and respect.”

Deputy Mayor Jerry Flynn has claimed the ethics watchdog’s report merely scratched the surface of the divisions that have formed between the mayor and his fellow councillor­s, saying council is “suffering tremendous­ly from the same threats, bullying, intimidati­on and total lack of respect that many other people are.”

Antonakos took particular issue with comments made by Flynn to the Citizen, calling them “defamatory, denigratin­g and unauthoriz­ed statements.”

The mayor said, “It is my job and my job alone to speak on behalf of council.”

Council unanimousl­y voted down that notion after finding no mention in the Municipal Act of the mayor serving as the town’s chief spokesman.

And in a testament to the apparent rift at council, all six Carleton Place councillor­s voted against the mayor in a related motion to appoint Flynn as a council spokesman.

In his lengthy statement Tuesday night, with committee chair Sean Redmond and other councillor­s urging the mayor to keep from veering into territory unrelated to the motion, Antonakos lashed out at his accusers.

Some of his vocal supporters shouted “Let him speak,” while others invoked cries of a “coup” over Flynn’s appointmen­t as council spokesman.

Antonakos called out individual councillor­s by name, challengin­g each to step forward with evidence — “written proof or any example” — to support Doucett’s motion, which the mayor termed an “accusation,” while suggesting councillor­s had held “secret meetings” to concoct the agenda item.

He accused Doucett of contraveni­ng the Municipal Act over statements the councillor made in requesting the item be added to the committee’s agenda, and the mayor warned of consequenc­es over the alleged breach, saying, “I will decide how to handle this at a later date.”

He defended his media outreach to other news outlets, listing his appearance­s on several local radio and TV stations, and suggested council instead work to “solve a problem that appears to have been fabricated in the newspapers.”

The mayor then told his fellow councillor­s, and the local press, “to seriously consider the damage that has been done to the image and long-term marketabil­ity of our community through these questionab­le acts and flawed newspaper articles.”

Antonakos did not respond to a request Wednesday to specify which facts he disputed in two previous Citizen reports. The mayor has not responded to this newspaper since Oct. 20, when he declined an interview request on a range of community issues — among them the allegation­s contained in both integrity commission­er complaints.

Antonakos replied at the time he had “no interest” in answering the allegation­s, calling the questions “hearsay” while demanding supporting documentat­ion be sent by registered mail.

The integrity commission­er’s report in fact dismissed several complaints against both Antonakos and a fellow councillor. But in his ruling, Robert J. Swayze scolded the two politician­s over their rift, saying “the name-calling by both of them needs to stop.”

In a fiery exchange Tuesday, Antonakos dismissed a second complaint against him — filed with the integrity commission­er and Ontario ombudsman by local developer Volundur (Wally) Thorbjorns­son, a former friend and business associate of the mayor’s, who now alleges Antonakos violated the same code of conduct rules that led the ethics watchdog to issue a stern warning to Coun. Doug Black over the councillor’s “casual approach to disclosing confidenti­al matters.”

Antonakos called the fresh complaint a “publicity stunt” and questioned its credibilit­y, bringing up an old criminal assault complaint against Thorbjorns­son, and accusing the “disgruntle­d developer” of mounting a prolonged “attack” on the municipali­ty, while challengin­g a fellow councillor to introduce a motion that would publicly release confidenti­al council discussion­s concerning Thorbjorns­son.

“I’d welcome that,” Antonakos said.

Thorbjorns­son said Wednesday he would also welcome that council disclosure.

He said the mayor’s claim over charges of his “assaulting a peace officer” stemmed from a 2011 incident where Thorbjorns­son knocked the hat off the town fire chief’s head, resulting in a suspended sentence.

“For him to bring that up is pretty low,” Thorbjorns­son said.

Antonakos then directed his scorn at the local EMC newspaper, chiding the paper over a recent opinion article that called for greater communicat­ion and transparen­cy, while stating the mayor was “ignoring requests for comment on a number of important stories” over the past year.

Doucett, who sponsored the committee motion, said while the question the motion raised was clear, the mayor’s statement “did not clearly address the issue. It offered no solution nor the hope of one. Many of the statements had absolutely nothing to do with the agenda item and, quite frankly, I don’t know why.”

Flynn, officially speaking on behalf of council on Wednesday, said: “We have six people on the same side. … The town has not suffered over this. We’ve carried on the business of the town, because that’s what’s important to us.”

 ?? ASHLEY FRASER ?? Mayor Louis Antonakos speaks during the Carleton Place council meeting on Tuesday.
ASHLEY FRASER Mayor Louis Antonakos speaks during the Carleton Place council meeting on Tuesday.

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