Ottawa Citizen


Canadian singer and songwriter Murray McLauchlan is gearing up to release his 18th studio album this spring. Lynn Saxberg spoke with the veteran musician, 68, about the no-frills recording and how a sojourn in Italy rekindled his love of playing guitar.


Q Tell me about the new record.

A It’s called Love Can’t Tell Time. It’s related in a way to the last one I did, Human Writes, insomuch as it’s recorded in a very basic way. My motto is, “As the world gets noisier, I keep getting quieter.”

Q Did you work with a producer?

A Are you kidding? I’m Canadian. What would I do with a producer? Q I don’t know. Maybe take orders?

A Well, no.

Q Fair enough. What was your goal in the studio?

A I wasn’t really planning so much on making a record. I was just going in to lay down some stuff in this really kind of nofrills, no-artificial-preservati­ves-or-flavours manner, which is the way I like to hear music. I like to hear that it’s not possible to fake the fact that you can actually play.

Q You’ve reworked some old songs and written new ones, including some co-writes with Alison Gordon, who’s not known as a musician.

A Alison was a really dear friend who passed away before it got finished. She was a journalist, the first woman journalist on the baseball circuit. They nicknamed her the pecker checker. We wrote songs kind of on a bet. We’d been sitting on a patio at Allen’s restaurant on the Danforth, with some friends, and Alison sorta got on to the subject of how hard can it be to write songs. So I brought her into the process, and she fell in love with it. The title song is a co-write with her, and the idea of the song is that love just doesn’t happen for people who are the age of Romeo and Juliet. It can happen in a Chartwell home to people who are 85, and it’s just as intense.

Q What about the song The Luckiest Guy?

A I wrote it for Denise (Donlon, his wife). It’s straight and simple: I am the luckiest guy. There’s a lot I could say about how quality of a person she’s been in my life. It’s not the first song I’ve written for her, but it’s one of the best. I like that line, “You stand out in any crowd of thoroughbr­ed city girls.”

Q It also has some cool guitar playing on it. Where’d that come from?

A It’s sort of a progressio­n of what started in early 2013, when I was living in Italy. I had time to reflect a bit, and fell in love with playing guitar and music again. During that time, I started learning this whole new language on guitar, which dovetailed nicely with my love of great guitar heroes, like Django Reinhardt. I’ve always been a huge fan of the Paris Hot Club records, and I’ve always loved Texas swing music. Now I find I can sit down and play along with Count Basie and his orchestra and I’m a very happy guy.

Q Why were you living in Italy?

A Well, I don’t know if you need a reason to go and live in Italy. It’s one of the greatest places in the world to hang out. It wasn’t that I was mad at Canada or anything, but I just wanted to get out of here for a while because if you’re here too long, it becomes

too small a place and you have to get out every so often to get some perspectiv­e on different ways of living, and different thoughts. I also really wanted to try to get past the journeyman Rosetta Stone Italian I’ve been working on so I figured the best way was to go live there for a few months. And Denise had some time because she was working on her book.

Q You weren’t planning to write songs there?

A Nope. I didn’t have a plan other than to stretch out and open up my head. I absolutely fell in love with the place. It was not the first time I’d been there.

Q What made you realize the recordings were turning into an album?

A The results. The songs came out much better than I ever hoped they would. To me, the most important thing is always the songs. They’re at the centre. Whatever the technology, whatever you dress it up with, if there isn’t a good song at the centre of the exercise, it isn’t really worth it.

Q You’re still touring consistent­ly. Is it still fun?

A I don’t not like it. I like playing music. That’s what I do. If I don’t do that, all kinds of bad things could happen.

Q Anything else on the go?

A Well, as a footnote to the “why do you record?” thing, I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the recent past and a lot of the conversati­on is, “How are you surviving?” It wasn’t really by any particular instinct, but suddenly when everyone is running around with their hair on fire, I made a little record, that if you sit down and listen to it for 45 minutes, it’s a chance to actually feel good.

I just wanted to get out of here for a while because if you’re here too long, it becomes too small a place and you have to get out every so often to get some perspectiv­e on different ways of living, and different thoughts.

 ??  ?? Murray McLauchlan’s new studio album, Love Can’t Tell Time, will be released this spring.
Murray McLauchlan’s new studio album, Love Can’t Tell Time, will be released this spring.

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