Ottawa Citizen



By any measure this has been an excellent election campaign. Any concerns that the extended length of the campaign would lead to voter weariness or even hostility have been allayed by the deep engagement of the electorate with the democratic process. Underscori­ng this engagement is the record-setting turnout for the advance polls last weekend.

This campaign offers Canadians a clear choice between three parties with distinct visions.

Since he took over as leader of the NDP in March 2012, Tom Mulcair has done a credible job of making the party his own. But the stunning “Orange Wave” that swept them into the ranks of the Official Opposition in 2011 left the NDP facing two big questions: First, could they break out of their Quebec stronghold and their base among soft nationalis­ts? And second, could they successful­ly manage the final transition from a party of protest to one that is ready for power?

On the issue of Quebec, Mulcair has disappoint­ed. He remains dedicated to the 2005 Sherbrooke Declaratio­n, which commits the NDP to recognizin­g a bare majority in any future referendum on Quebec sovereignt­y — in clear contravent­ion of both the federal Clarity Act and the 1998 Supreme Court reference decision. Canadians are long past playing footsie with separatist­s, and it is unfortunat­e that the NDP is not.

As for casting off the freshman-grade leftism that was the hallmark of the NDP for so many years, the Mulcair-led NDP has taken enormous strides — most notably its commitment to balanced budgets. Which is why it is all the more inexplicab­le that Mulcair’s reaction to the announceme­nt of a Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade pact was to denounce the agreement and declare that the NDP wouldn’t consider itself bound by any of its terms. This agreement was five years in the making, and any attempt by a Mulcair government to reopen negotiatio­ns would make us laughingst­ocks.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau also deserves a great deal of credit. He took over a party that had completely lost its bearings, and from the depths of its 2011 catastroph­e he has rejuvenate­d the aimless organizati­on that once laid claim to the title of Natural Governing Party. Under his leadership, the party has become solvent and cohesive, and he has attracted an impressive roster of star candidates. Yet the Liberal party’s greatest asset — Trudeau — is also its greatest weakness. For all his considerab­le personal appeal, Trudeau still has the manner of a boy playing a man’s role. He has certainly matured over the past year, but too many important elements of the Liberal platform — foreign policy most notably — bear the mark of his “whip out our CF-18s” unseriousn­ess.

Which brings us to Stephen Harper and the Conservati­ves. There is a lot to be unhappy about after nine years of Harper rule. He has picked political fights with major pillars of our democratic system — Elections Canada, the judiciary, officers of Parliament — for no obvious reason apart from the fact that they appear to stand in his way. Under his watch there were unreasonab­ly high levels of moral and even criminal corruption among some of those closest to him. He has indulged his MPs in their quest to make a mockery of Question Period.

Neverthele­ss, there are two serious issues facing Canada right now: Ongoing economic uncertaint­y, and an increasing­ly unstable situation in the Middle East. In the face of the worst economic downturn in a generation, Harper has made sure that Canada remains on secure economic footing, something both his opponents’ plans put at risk. When it comes to confrontin­g ISIL and the threat of global terror more generally, only the Conservati­ves are prepared to treat the matter with the strength of conviction it deserves.

When you look at the Conservati­ves’ record, it is clear that the problem is not with their actual agenda, but with the manner in which they have chosen to go about implementi­ng it. Strip away the hard partisansh­ip and chip-on-the-shoulder populism, what remains is a government that has presided over a prosperous and united Canada in the face of powerful countervai­ling forces. For this alone, Stephen Harper and the Conservati­ves deserve to be returned to power on Oct. 19.

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