Ottawa Citizen

‘A champion for our community’


Tributes continued to pour in for Max Keeping on Friday, the day after the longtime Ottawa newsman and philanthro­pist died of cancer at age 73.

The National Arts Centre lowered its flag to half-mast in his memory. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario set out a book of remembranc­e in the wing that bears Keeping’s name.

A Celebratio­n of Life for the former CJOH-TV/CTV Ottawa news anchor is planned for the Canadian Tire Centre at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 13. Doors will open at 11 a.m. and there will be free parking.

Ottawa Senators president Cyril Leeder remembered Keeping as “our biggest fan,” not only of the hockey team, but the city itself.

“Max really was a champion for our community, and in particular, disadvanta­ged children. He always thought that every child deserved the same opportunit­y,” Leeder said.

“Right from the get-go, I think Max, even before we did, recognized the value the (Senators) had as a community asset.

“He realized how players could make a difference to a young child and was one of the first guys to really zero in on that. There’s a substantia­l legacy and Max was certainly the driving force behind the (Ottawa Senators) Foundation, for the better part of 10 years.”

The Senators will hold a moment of silence before Saturday’s game, but are planning something “more substantia­l” on opening night.

“It was very easy if you followed Max’s lead because that’s what he did. He was very involved in so many charity things,” said Senators general manager Bryan Murray.

“You couldn’t even imagine the number of things he was involved in, the time he gave to the town, the help he gave to different people. Individual­ly, as well as groups,” Murray said.

“Deep down, he really wanted to improve the lives of everyone,” added Senators defenceman Chris Phillips.

“It is inspiratio­nal. Hopefully, everyone does that today, looks at what he did. If you can go out and make a small difference to make community better, that’s — I think — what he wants.”

The NAC lowered its flag to halfmast to honour Keeping, who supported the NAC and the NAC Orchestra through his fund-raising activity for the arts. Keeping twice conducted the orchestra during its Christmas season concerts.

“His spirit of community building was infectious and we were fortunate to welcome him here many times in support of the arts,” NAC president and CEO Peter Herrndorf said in a release.

Others took to Twitter to honour Keeping.

“The passing of Max Keeping is very sad news. He was a remarkable man and a legend in Ottawa. He will be missed,” tweeted Gov. Gen. David Johnston.

“Max Keeping was a booster of our city and a community builder. His kindness and generosity touched many lives, including mine. RIP Max!” tweeted Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi.

“It’s a sad day for Ottawa,” added Nepean-Carleton MPP Lisa MacLeod.

“One of the best community minded people I’ve ever known, Max Keeping has passed. Love to his son Shane & Family.”

Nepean-Carleton MP Pierre Poilievre tweeted Keeping “was a champion of our community” while former Ottawa West-Nepean MP John Baird tweeted that “the lights of Ottawa will never shine as brightly.”

“Ottawa lost its voice tonight,” tweeted Ottawa West-Nepean MPP Bob Chiarelli.

Other tributes came from the less well-known, the everyday people whose lives Keeping touched.

“I never met Max Keeping in person, but if not for his Foundation’s support, our football club could never have survived,” tweeted the South Ottawa Mustangs.

 ?? OTTAWA CITIZEN FILES ?? Telethon co-host Max Keeping at a CHEO Telethon at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa in 2011. Over the past 27 years the Telethon has raised more than $78 million to fund critical research, medical equipment, and to maintain CHEO as a child- and...
OTTAWA CITIZEN FILES Telethon co-host Max Keeping at a CHEO Telethon at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa in 2011. Over the past 27 years the Telethon has raised more than $78 million to fund critical research, medical equipment, and to maintain CHEO as a child- and...

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