Ottawa Citizen


No sign of backing down in Ukraine


MOSCOW Riding a wave of military gains by pro-Russia rebels, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it exceedingl­y clear that he wants a peace deal for Ukraine on his terms and won’t be stopped by economic costs.

The four-month conflict has now reached a breaking point, where Russia and Ukraine could either negotiate a political settlement or plunge deeper into hostilitie­s.

Prospects for a political settlement looked dim just a few weeks ago as Ukrainian troops methodical­ly tightened their noose around pro-Russia rebel stronghold­s in the east, but Kyiv’s hopes for a quick victory were short-lived. A rebel counter-offensive has dealt setbacks to the Kyiv government, inflicting huge losses and raising the threat of Ukraine losing access to the energy-rich Sea of Azov.

The West has accused Russia of sharply escalating the conflict by sending regular army units into Ukraine after months of covert assistance to the rebellion, and has threatened more sanctions.

Putin’s apparent response is: What you call a Russian invasion is nothing compared to what we could do and all options are on the table. The Kremlin’s half-hearted denial of Putin’s warning that Moscow could seize the Ukrainian capital in two weeks if it wished, which he reportedly made to European Com- mission chief José Manuel Barroso last week, only reinforced the signal that Russia won’t back off.

Putin’s comment last week emphasizin­g Russia’s nuclear arsenal appeared to send the same tough message to the West: Don’t mess with us.

With fighting raging in eastern Ukraine, representa­tives of Kyiv, Moscow, pro-Russia separatist­s and the Organizati­on for Security and Co-operation in Europe met Monday in the Belarusian capital, Minsk, to begin a new round of talks on settling the crisis.

Hinting at a possible compromise, the rebels dropped their previous demand for full independen­ce and expressed readiness to discuss keeping the eastern regions inside Ukraine in exchange for a blanket amnesty and broad autonomy.

The talks were quickly adjourned until Friday and it wasn’t clear if the parties could narrow their difference­s.

Moscow wants Kyiv to give the rebel regions sweeping powers that would let them keep close ties with Russia and allow the Kremlin to maintain leverage over Ukraine and prevent it from ever joining NATO.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has promised to delegate broad authority to the regions and guarantee citizens the right to use the Russian language, but his plan lacked specifics and it has remained unclear whether Mos- cow would see it as sufficient.

Repeated attempts to negotiate a settlement have failed, prompting the West to introduce several rounds of economic sanctions that targeted officials and businessme­n close to Putin and, finally, entire sectors of the Russian economy. Russia responded last month by banning most food imports from the West.

While most experts agree that the penalties will eventually inflict significan­t damage on the Russian economy and push it deeper into recession, they will need time to take effect. So far, the sanctions clearly have failed.

Putin seems ready to face much tougher punishment instead of backing off. If attempts to negotiate a peace deal fail again and more economic sanctions come, Putin’s likely response would be to further raise the ante to push the West into making a deal.

Carving a land corridor along the Sea of Azov for supplying Crimea, which has faced power and water shortages since the annexation, is something Russia could threaten to do next.

Russia could have easily grabbed more land at the start of the crisis, when it annexed Crimea in March, but Putin apparently has seen it as an unnecessar­y burden, hoping to reach a deal with the West to protect Moscow’s interests in Ukraine without an open invasion.

He has failed in his calculus, as the United States and the European Union have ignored his demands and methodical­ly raised the costs to Russia. But the West, in turn, also has clearly underestim­ated Putin’s stubborn resolve and his readiness to risk economic damage, falsely hoping that sanctions will force him to back off.

The apparent errors in judgment by both sides now have pushed the crisis closer to a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine.

The United States and NATO have made it clear that they won’t use military force if Russia invades Ukraine. Even if Washington decides to provide Ukraine with weapons, as some U.S. politician­s have urged, such a move will take time and serve little practical purpose.

It would take time to train Ukrainian soldiers, accustomed to Soviet-made weapons, to use western arms. And the Ukrainian military’s main problem isn’t the shortage of tanks or missiles, of which it has plenty, but bad training, poor coordinati­on and the low morale of hastily-drafted conscripts.

The Russian military, in contrast, now appears more combatread­y than at any time since Soviet days. A sweeping modernizat­ion program has allowed the army to upgrade its arsenals, and a series of massive drills involving tens of thousands of troops and thousands of tanks have helped to polish soldiers’ skills in the past years.

Despite the latest escalation, Putin still doesn’t seem to consider a full-fledged invasion a viable option. For his purposes, tacit support of the rebellion with a certain power of deniabilit­y is sufficient to keep the conflict burning and to press Ukraine and the West into making a deal on his terms.

The Russian president may hope that the continuing fighting in the east, coupled with deepening economic problems will eventually soften Kyiv’s reluctance to compromise. Ukraine is teetering on the verge of economic collapse, avoiding bankruptcy only thanks to western financial aid. Soaring utilities prices and likely fuel shortages in the winter will likely add to the pressure and foment discontent.

 ??  ??
 ?? SERGEI GRITS/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A detainee held by pro-Russian rebels lies bound Tuesday, metres from a column of destroyed Ukrainian military vehicles in the eastern Ukrainian village of Novokatery­nivka.
SERGEI GRITS/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A detainee held by pro-Russian rebels lies bound Tuesday, metres from a column of destroyed Ukrainian military vehicles in the eastern Ukrainian village of Novokatery­nivka.

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