National Post (National Edition)




Cast: Azhy Robertson,

Gillian Jacobs Director: Jacob Chase Duration: 1 h 36 m Where: In cinemas

across Canada

Come Play solves a long-running mystery. Is there Wi-Fi in hell?

A strong signal would seem to be necessary for the evil entity at the heart of this film to make its way into our world. Like many movies before it, Come Play takes a slice of modern technology and imagines what would happen if it were possessed.

It thus follows in a long line of films that include Unfriended (social media), Untraceabl­e (webcams), The Ring (VHS tapes), Poltergeis­t (TVs) and Christine, which gave us cars, specifical­ly the aptly named Plymouth Fury. I'm still waiting for the haunted tamagotchi movie.

The medium this time out is smartphone­s and tablets, though the monster will use TV screens and computer monitors in a pinch. And the unlucky victim is a kid named Oliver, played by Azhy Robertson (Marriage Story), with the same wide-eyed look and shaggy haircut as little Danny from The Shining. Come to think of it, Danny also had creepy entities wanting to play with him.

Alas, writer-director Jacob Chase is no Stanley Kubrick when it comes to crafting scary moments in his movie. The shocks mostly stem from unexpected­ly cranked noises — Oliver plays with one of those sticky-hand toys that for some reason makes a sound like a rifle shot when it hits the wall — and from the old horror-movie technique where a constantly panning camera suddenly catches something wicked in the corner of the frame.

But what Come Play lacks in fear-inducing creativity, it makes up for in narrative subtlety. The movie is based on a five-minute short from 2017 by the same director, but the 96-minute version adds layers of family drama, starting with the fact that Oliver is autistic and has a hard time communicat­ing what is happening to him.

Also, he uses an app on his phone to help him create sentences, which gives Larry — did I mention that the monster goes by Larry? — an easy way to get to him.

It also helps that Gillian Jacobs as the kid's mom is more than just a one-note character. She and her husband (John Gallagher Jr.) are going through a rough patch, not helped by the fact that she feels Oliver is paying more attention to his dad than to her. Add in some school bullies whose motivation is also more than just “let's pick on the weird kid,” and you've got the makings of a decent drama.

The twin threads of horror and domesticit­y don't always mesh perfectly, and the film engages in a few odd leaps of logic and reasoning. (For instance, what parent finds an old iPad in a lost and found and hands it over to their child without checking to see what's on it?) But in its best moments it compares favourably with The Babadook, an excellent 2014 horror with a similar conceit of a demon that gets at you through a storybook, in this case an online one called Misunderst­ood Monsters.

There's also the serendipit­y of a horror movie about haunted screens being released during a period when we're all spending more time in front of Zoom calls than ever before. Come Play even suggests that excessive screen time may be to blame for Larry's sudden appearance. So if you do go see this in a theatre, that's one more reason not to turn on your phone during the movie. ΠΠ•½

 ??  ?? Azhy Robertson stars as an autistic boy targeted by a demon who is not well motivated.
Azhy Robertson stars as an autistic boy targeted by a demon who is not well motivated.

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