National Post (National Edition)

Late-night hosts used to come into our living rooms

Now we are joining them in their spaces


Is Seth Meyers reading The Thorn Birds?

The former late-night host, now one of the growing number of stay-at-home hosts, has been talking to guests and delivering his Closer Look segments from several locations in his house, starting with a booklined garage and moving to an attic storage room.

There, he’s been making jokes about the strangely shaped door and oddly tiny armchair behind him, which he says have stoked viewers’ curiosity.

But this fan has been more taken with the two books on the table behind him: the always topical All the President’s Men from 1974; and, from the same era, Colleen McCullough’s romantic saga of life in the Australian Outback in the mid-20th century.

The Thorn Birds actually migrated there from Meyers’s previous setup where, if you pause the video and squint, you can just make out a few other titles. There’s Jacob Bronowski’s The Ascent of Man, Queenie, and two copies of something that might be called Salonica? Hard to be sure.

When he interviewe­d Amy Poehler she, too, was in front of a bookshelf in her self-isolation space, which she pointed to and joked: “This is all the erotica I’ve been writing … a book a day.” Though, in fact, it held the young-adult sci-fi novel Time Zero, and Blitzed, about drug use in the Third Reich, among others.

It’s just another symptom of the strange days in which we’re all living. For decades, late-night hosts like Steve Allen, Johnny Carson and David Letterman came into our living rooms every night. Now, we’re going into theirs.

And it’s a quiet place. Aside from lower production values — it was a comedy segment just to watch Stephen Colbert figure out the audio and video feeds for his recent interview with Daniel Radcliffe — there’s also no studio audience to laugh at the jokes. And honestly, laughing alone takes a bit of getting used to. We primates are primed for a group response.

But thank heavens no one decided to use a laugh track. Well, except for Bill Maher, whose black-and-white stock footage of a happy crowd was itself played for laughs. (And nice work by Maher, shifting his body and turning his head throughout the segment as though there was an actual audience out there, and not just his overgrown backyard.)

The peek into celebritie­s’ homes is telling, though not especially revealing.

Canada’s Samantha Bee took to the woods near her New York home to shoot, with husband Jason Jones running the camera.

Jimmy Kimmel’s slightly out-of-focus backdrop had viewers convinced it was a green screen, until he broke the third and fourth walls by waving and then climbing through the window.

And John Oliver has been hosting Last Week Tonight from in front of a bland backdrop he described as the same colour as a sperm whale, except not the whale part.

Colbert’s setup is another of those booksy nooks, with visible titles including No Easy Day by Mark Bissonnett­e and Kevin Maurer; Daniel Yergin’s The Quest; a coffee-table book called First Light; and America, by Colbert’s old Daily Show boss Jon Stewart. Oh, and one of those Gluggle jugs that makes an amusing sound when you pour water from it.

Which brings me to John Krasinski’s Some Good News videos. The star of Jack Ryan, director of A Quiet Place: Part II (now opening Sept. 4, hopefully) and husband of Emily Blunt has leaped into the realm of late- night-talk-show-hostsbroad­casting-from-home, despite not being a late night talk show host to begin with.

My theory is that when everyone else goes back to work he’ll just tag along, like a rogue tourist joining a guided tour of an art gallery. He certainly has the charm and patter down pat, although his backdrop seems a touch too curated, like a house that’s been staged by a realtor.

There’s an antique typewriter, a Dunder Mifflin mug from his days on The Office, an I Heart Dad card and some Crate & Barrel-type tchotchkes, including a greytone globe atop an artful wooden box.

It’s all a little too neat, including that “SGN” that can’t have been made by his daughters, aged three and six, unless they’re colouring prodigies.

On the other hand, it’s hard to get too angry at a jovial bearded man who not only celebrates good news but gives shout-outs to copycat artists from around the world, including radio host Stephen Keppler of Kelowna, B.C., and a couple in Saigon inspired by … they couldn’t quite figure out his name. “It’s pronounced Kra-ninky,” he teased.

Krasinski deserves praise for jumping on a bandwagon that can never get too crowded these days. When the Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Late Night with Seth Meyers and other shows first went dark as the coronaviru­s clampdown took effect, my family knew we’d still have access to news, but feared a lack of satirical takes on American news would take a toll on our already fragile souls.

We needn’t have worried. It turns out the wizards of late night couldn’t stay away, and no one really wanted them to.

In the past, we looked to celebritie­s for fashion tips, sartorial choices and hairstyles to emulate.

If the lockdown continues for another few months we’ll be looking over their shoulders for reading recommenda­tions.



 ?? NBC ?? Seth Meyers is among the late night hosts who have shifted their setting, and production value, during the pandemic.
NBC Seth Meyers is among the late night hosts who have shifted their setting, and production value, during the pandemic.

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