National Post (National Edition)

How do you tell a Tory from a Liberal? Ask an economist


Ibelieve I was the first to propose the creation of an Economists Party, a political movement that would advocate for the sorts of policies favoured by people who study economics for a living, based on the principles at its core.

It could not happen, of course, any more than the existing parties are likely to suddenly embrace the teachings of economists they have so cheerfully ignored until now, and for the same reason: because politics is, at its core, the opposite of economics.

The basic principle of economics is that everything is scarce. The basic principle of politics is that nothing is scarce. Economics teaches that more of one thing can only be had at the expense of less of another. Politics teaches that we can have more of both things, and of everything else besides.

Since more of one thing means less of another, economics tells us there is no point in favouring one part of the economy over another: the resources diverted to one firm, industry or region are simply resources denied to all the rest. Whereas politics is all about such transfers: a perpetual merrygo-round of redistribu­tion, not from rich to poor, which is appropriat­e, but from everybody to everybody, which is impossible.

And if, for some reason, a politician were to resist this impulse, he would shortly find himself out of work. For whereas the benefits of a given interventi­on are typically concentrat­ed on this or that group, the costs are spread widely; its beneficiar­ies, accordingl­y, have every incentive to organize and agitate on its behalf, while those footing the bill — consumers, taxpayers, or both — have comparativ­ely little at stake as individual­s. They may not even know who they are.

Thus it is that politics inclines, more or less inevitably, to prefer the narrow interest over the broad; producers over consumers; the present over the future. The only difference between the parties is whether this bias to the expedient is dressed up as a philosophy and celebrated as a positive good, or merely yielded to.

In practice this is only really an issue for the Conservati­ve party. If you genuinely believe that scarcity is a myth — that deficits, far from a vice, are a virtue; that only cruelty and superstiti­on, and not observatio­n and analysis, prevents government­s from substituti­ng their own beliefs for how resources should be allocated for those of people with actual skin in the game — then your conscience is clear: muck about all you like.

But Conservati­ves have occasional­ly affected some familiarit­y with economics. For brief periods in the recent past — within living memory, at any rate — Conservati­ves have professed to believe in such ideas as balanced budgets, free trade and private ownership; to favour a neutral tax system and broad-based tax cuts over narrowly targeted deductions and credits; to understand how price signals are superior to regulatory edicts as spurs to efficient resource use.

So one has to suppose that the current generation of Conservati­ves, under first Stephen Harper and now Andrew Scheer, feels at least some discomfort at the dog’s breakfast they are asked to endorse as party economic policy.

Where once the party stood for bold, broad tax reform, it now confines itself to a clutch of micro-targeted “boutique” tax credits, such as for children’s fitness or transit passes: spending programs by another name, of precisely the sort of busy-bodying, social-engineerin­g bent that Conservati­ves used to disdain, and not very effective even at that. Harper could be faulted for taking the party down this road, but Scheer now proposes to revive the same credits even after their abolition by the Liberals.

Or where the party does get around to proposing more broad-based cuts, it does so in a way calculated to produce the least bang for the buck. It was the GST cuts under Harper; it is the cut to the 15 per cent base rate of personal income tax now. As before, the proposal will cost billions, at the expense, not of spending — the party is no longer meaningful­ly committed to balanced budgets — but of the deeper cuts in the middle and top marginal rates that the same money would have bought: the kind of cuts that would actually do the economy some good.

(Wait, cut taxes at the top? Heresy! But much of the benefit of the Tory cut would go to those higher up the income scale — they pay the 15 per cent rate, too, on the first $47,630 of their income. Only it would take the form of a windfall, rather than an incentive to higher productivi­ty, inasmuch as it would apply to income they had already earned, rather than to income they were thinking of earning — to the next investment, or the next hour worked. Want to help the working poor? Enrich the federal Working Income Tax Benefit, which doesn’t go to rich people.)

The news is a little better when it comes to business subsidies. But even as Scheer was announcing he would cut such “corporate welfare” payments by $1.5 billion annually — a fraction of the total — he was insisting he would preserve those distribute­d by the sordid pork-barrel rackets known as the regional developmen­t agencies. As for supply management, the state-organized price-fixing rings into which much of Canadian agricultur­e has been organized, we know where Scheer stands on that.

Which rather makes a mockery of his professed concern to make life more “affordable” for ordinary Canadians, as in his mulish opposition to the federal carbon tax — a tax that, unlike the costs of his own, more regulatory-heavy climate change plan, is refunded to consumers. Once, not so long ago, we might have expected the Conservati­ves to offer a more market-oriented alternativ­e to the Liberals. But now I guess it will have to fall to the Economists Party.

 ?? CARLOS OSORIO / REUTERS ?? Andrew Scheer and his Conservati­ves offer more of a
market oriented alternativ­e to the Liberals.
CARLOS OSORIO / REUTERS Andrew Scheer and his Conservati­ves offer more of a market oriented alternativ­e to the Liberals.
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