National Post (National Edition)

Chris Selley and Andrew Coyne on Ford’s latest moves,

- Chris selley at Queen’s Park National Post cselley@nationalpo­

Early Monday morning, Municipal Affairs Minister Steve Clark stood in the Ontario legislatur­e and launched a calm but concerted attack on what he called the dysfunctio­nal, timewastin­g governance at Toronto city hall. He cited in particular the 2017 budget process: “After days of debate at the committee level, city council took 15 hours to pass its budget — 15 hours, Speaker, of going back and forth and back and forth on a document that was already nearly set in stone,” Clark intoned. “Speaker, that’s not an efficient way to run a government.”

The minutes say council took roughly 12 hours to pass the 2017 budget. That’s a fair number of hours. Mind you, 10 billion is a fair number of dollars.

Ever since Premier Doug Ford decided to hack city council from 47 seats down to 25 just weeks before the Oct. 22 municipal election, observers have debated how the undeniably ludicrous nature of many meetings of Toronto council relates to its decisionma­king prowess.

I admit it’s difficult to separate my view of this from my occasional profession­al obligation over the years to sit through council’s souldestro­ying pageants of mediocrity. For every smart, hardworkin­g and forward-thinking member — and thank God for them — there is a chair-moistening dullard whose greatest pleasure in life is to spend four minutes of a council meeting making an ass of himself, then implore his colleagues for two minutes more.

City council didn’t spend an entire 12 hours debating whether to ban shark fin soup, as Ford contended to Global News over the weekend, but that debate did feature dullard Councillor Glenn de Baeremaeke­r deploying a remotecont­rolled flying shark in the council chamber. Council eventually banned shark fin in 2012, over staff advice it might be oversteppi­ng its jurisdicti­on. The ban was overturned months later by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Time well spent.

All in all, Toronto is going gangbuster­s. But there’s a lot of nonsense going on under the clamshell. The biggest flaw in Clark’s argument was how reminiscen­t Monday morning’s proceeding­s at Queen’s Park were of what he was ascribing to city hall.

For starters, Clark made his opening argument in favour of Bill 31 at around 12:30 on Monday morning.

I have been at city hall past midnight many times. I have never arrived at city hall at midnight to hear a debate begin.

The nocturnal edition was necessary — if you accept that any of this was necessary — for a few reasons. Start with the inherently madcap timeline of Bill 5, which was Bill 31’s near-identical predecesso­r: It received royal assent on Aug. 14, just 10 weeks before a municipal election in a city of 2.3 million people where the campaign was already well underway. Justice Edward Belobaba’s unexpected decision to quash Bill 5 on Charter grounds made the timeline even dodgier, despite the government invoking the notwithsta­nding clause for the first time in Ontario history.

The opposition refused to give Bill 31 speedy passage. Standing orders dictated there needed to be two sitting days between first and second reading. Because the legislatur­e was scheduled to recess Monday and Tuesday so provincial members could attend the Internatio­nal Plowing Match in Pain Court in southern Ontario the bill couldn’t have been passed until late next week. So we got an “emergency” weekend sitting: all of 45 minutes on Saturday, then another beginning at midnight Monday morning.

All things considered, the debate was remarkably civil. But when I popped back into the chamber around 5 a.m., fewer than 30 of the legislatur­e’s 124 members were in attendance. Earlier, at 2:13 a.m., NDP MPP Peter Tabuns had moved to adjourn debate. It was a stalling tactic that ultimately failed, but not before setting the deafening bells at Queen’s Park — used to call members in to vote — to ringing for 30 sanity-eroding minutes.

Meanwhile, outside — audible at times to MPPS in the chamber — we had a quintessen­tially Fordbrand scene: perhaps 300 chanting citizens demanding entry to the legislatur­e, even after the Speaker had cleared the public galleries. Several attendees had let Ford and his government know what they thought of him in most unparliame­ntary language, and unlike at city council there’s zero tolerance for that at the legislatur­e.

“I’m a candidate!” one man bellowed before being escorted out. “This is f---ing bulls---!”

He’s not wrong.

Debate concluded just after 7 a.m., and MPPS are sure to pass Bill 31 on second and third reading this week. One might reasonably say it was already nearly set in stone, to borrow Clark’s phrase. One might reasonably call Sunday night’s proceeding­s dysfunctio­nal, if not a colossal waste of time in pursuit of a bad or at least woefully premature idea.

Amidst all this chaos, many have suggested it’s ironic to see attendance at the plowing match, of all things, stand as an inviolable political norm. But it is a pressing moment for Ford’s government to reaffirm its concern with rural folk. In the early days of his tenure, Ford has created a historical­ly massive crapstorm about a purely Toronto issue. In his final speech of the overnight session, he vowed to build Scarboroug­h its three-stop subway, at a cost of untold billions to be spread across all Ontario taxpayers. And he has parried charges of being obsessed with Toronto by suggesting he might well target other local government­s as well.

That is not where this government needs or should want to be. Get this man out of Toronto and into some overalls, stat.

 ?? VERONICA HENRI / TORONTO SUN ?? Premier Doug Ford has created a historical­ly massive uproar over a purely Toronto issue with his decision to hack city council from 47 seats down to 25 just weeks before the Oct. 22 municipal election, columnist Chris Selley writes.
VERONICA HENRI / TORONTO SUN Premier Doug Ford has created a historical­ly massive uproar over a purely Toronto issue with his decision to hack city council from 47 seats down to 25 just weeks before the Oct. 22 municipal election, columnist Chris Selley writes.
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