National Post (National Edition)

The enemies of the people shall not win

- CONRAD BLACK National Post

EU.S. President Donald Trump leaves the White House on Friday. He will overcome his critics and will change America, Conrad Black writes. ven allowing for the astonishin­g pyrotechni­cs of current American politics, the Canadian journalist­ic reaction has been rather disappoint­ing. Canadians have a unique ring-side seat on American personalit­ies and events, and flatter themselves that they know that country better than any other foreigners do. Perhaps because of the garishness of American politics, the immense amounts of money involved in American elections and the lobbying process, and the practical absence of laws of civil defamation, Canadians are almost perpetuall­y appalled yet fascinated by the American political spectacle. The intense controvers­ies of the Trump presidency have generated a dreary branch-plant, copycat, me-too replicatio­n of the Trumpophob­ia of the national U.S. media.

The whole point of the Trump campaign was the need for radical but centrist reform. He was midway between the Sanders left and the Cruz right. But he mobilized the angry and politicall­y correct traditiona­lists, and much of the working and middle class, and attacked the deferences to both Wall Street and organized labour (especially the teachers’ unions), as well as the appeasemen­t of the societally self-hating and faddish academics and Hollywood. At his heavily attended rallies, he singled out the national political media for its almost relentless disparagem­ent of him and his followers, and for the soft ride it had given to the Obama regime, which — despite the great breakthrou­gh of having a non-white president — was unsuccessf­ul in almost every field.

Economic growth, which had been 4.5 per cent annually in most of the Reagan years, had gradually descended to just one per cent with Obama. Schools and infrastruc­ture were decaying, violent crime was increasing, Obama and Hillary Clinton would not utter the words “Islamist extremism,” political correctnes­s reigned, and foreign policy seemed to many Americans to have wobbled from George W. Bush’s insouciant war-making to Obama’s appeasemen­t of America’s enemies. Trade agreements were widely perceived to have been disadvanta­geous and the alliance system looked like a bunch of freeloader­s relying on American military power rather than collective security. Trump and his followers believed that the global warming case had not been made and that the push for renewable energy was unjustifia­bly costly and self-punitive. This long list of public policy grievances was widely and profoundly felt, and now defines the administra­tion’s reform program.

Apart from 1963 to 1967 and 1977 to 1981, at least one member of the Bush, Clinton and Obama families has been prominent in Washington since 1951, including seven terms as president or vicepresid­ent. Those families have gone from Washington, and the national media are the chief enemy remaining there. They don’t really report; they sandbag Trump. The battle between them has been intense. Despite Canadians’ familiarit­y with the U.S., few seem to realize what a merciless jungle the United States largely is. The America of Norman Rockwell and Walt Disney exists, just as the Constituti­on is venerated and Americans stand, handover-heart singing their splendid anthems at great spectacles, in praise of the sweet land of liberty. Their patriotism is not misplaced: there has never been such a rapid national rise to such pre-eminence in the world as the United States has had.

But among the principal ingredient­s of American success has been a fang and claw meritocrac­y. It’s a place where almost everyone can carry firearms, there are the highest crime rates in the advanced world, there are seven had one of the most successful terms in presidenti­al history and was re-elected by the greatest plurality in history, but was torn down and driven from office because of relatively trivial offences by some members of his entourage, notwithsta­nding the continuing absence of any probative evidence that Nixon himself committed any crimes. Bill Clinton, who had a moderately successful presidency, was subjected to the absurd harassment of an impeachmen­t trial over tawdry peccadillo­s and a brush with, but not commission of, perjury.

In those cases where there had been some illegaliti­es or plausible appearance­s of them, the opposition controlled Congress and could to the deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, as the attorney general, Loretta Lynch, had compromise­d herself by meeting with Bill Clinton shortly before the election.) Comey should not have revealed the new batch of misdirecte­d emails and declared them to be immaterial a few days later. In 48 years as the country’s chief of the national police, J. Edgar Hoover never engaged in any public discussion­s of political investigat­ions. Comey appears to have been deliberate­ly prolonging suspense over the fatuous Trump-Russian collusion affair that no sane person could possibly believe in for a minute.

But Nicholas Kristoff of The New York Times detects “the whiff of treason” (just the malodorous air of the Times’ editorial room, I think), and his colleague Tom Friedman says there has been a breach of American sovereignt­y in the Russian collusion “on the scale of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.” Ross Douthat of the Times is calling for removal of Trump for mental incompeten­ce. The Canadian media, amiably unaware that the American national media are now the chief opposition in that country, cues obediently. I found myself on a CTV panel with my old friend Craig Oliver last week and he unctuously said “We have to stop this guy” (Trump). Why and how, I asked; no (coherent) answer came. Another old friend, Andrew Coyne, raved and fulminated in these pages last week that Trump must be impeached. He doesn’t seem to realize that removal from the U.S. presidency is not like a parliament­ary vote of nonconfide­nce. It has never happened and requires a vote of two thirds of the U.S. senators that there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the incumbent has committed “high crimes and misdemeano­rs.” Incurring the displeasur­e of Andrew Coyne is not such an offence.

No one regrets Comey’s firing or disputes that it was for cause. His allegation in a self-addressed memo that Trump wished General Flynn well after removing him as national security adviser for misinformi­ng the vice-president doesn’t cut it for credibilit­y, gravity, materialit­y or even relevance. These issues are bunk and have only made such an impression on gapemouthe­d Canadian observers because Trump controls the Congress, and because the U.S. national media, in a mighty display of desperate resistance to Trump’s revolution, are trying to impeach and convict him on their own.

In this sense, and as I said to Craig Oliver and others, the media, by their malice and dishonesty, are, as Trump called them, “enemies of the people.” They are trying to illicitly subvert the president’s mandate. The brilliant appointmen­t of Robert Mueller as special investigat­or — but not an oldtime Watergate-Iran Contra, Whitewater lynch-mobleading special prosecutor — slices the Democrats and the jackal media off at the knees. Trump lured his enemies to make and amplify hysterical charges. They will now be revealed by the mechanism whose installati­on they demanded, a special counsel, as unfounded and maliciousl­y false.

This whole cacophonou­s babel of spurious allegation­s will crash. The president is not a suave man, but he is very tough and very smart, and his enemies are not. He will win and he will change America.

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