National Post (National Edition)


Why it’s time to stop popping so many pills, once and for all

- DR. JAMES AW Dr. James Aw is the medical director of the Medcan Clinic, a leading private health clinic in Toronto. For more informatio­n, visit

Why it’s a good idea to go easy on the antibiotic­s.

It is a scenario familiar to many in the medical profession. A patient comes in complainin­g of an upper respirator­y infection — a cough or cold. He wants the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic. The doctor knows the infection is almost certainly viral, and will resolve itself on its own. But even after the doctor explains that, the patient wants the antibiotic “just in case.” Rather than arguing, because she is facing the pressures of time, the doctor gives in to the request.

Such unnecessar­y use of antibiotic­s adds to antimicrob­ial resistance and could lead us to an “apocalypse” where penicillin and other bacteria-fighting drugs no longer work. That, at least, was the gist of a report published earlier this month by the United Kingdom’s chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, a medical doctor.

“Antimicrob­ial resistance is a ticking time bomb not only for the U.K. but also for the world,” Dame Davies said. “We need to work with everyone to ensure the apocalypti­c scenario of widespread antimicrob­ial resistance does not become a reality. This threat is arguably as important as climate change.”

What’s she talking about? Many of us have heard of such bacterial infections as E. coli and C. difficile and Staphyloco­ccus aureus. But few of us are aware of their constantly evolving nature. Kill one with one kind of antibiotic, like penicillin, and it’s possible for the bacteria to evolve a new kind though genetic mutations, which is then resistant to the antibiotic.

“Today we are seeing rates of resistance that would have been unthinkabl­e even 10 years ago,” says Dr. Lynora Saxinger, chair of a Canada-wide committee that advocates for responsibl­e use of antibiotic­s, in a press release.

The problem arises because the developmen­t of new drugs has slowed in the last three decades. Meanwhile, antibiotic-laced agricultur­al feeds may be promoting the proliferat­ion of drug-resistant bacteria. Continuing this trend leads us to a future where few of our antibiotic­s work.

As it is, approximat­ely 5% to 10% of hospitaliz­ed patients contract an infection during their stay. Canadian data from 2005 posits that 220,000 to 250,000 annual hospitalac­quired infections result in 8,000 to 12,000 deaths a year — and those stats could worsen as antibiotic resistance increases. Patients also underestim­ate the potential for side effects. Recently, for example, the popularly prescribed antibiotic azithromyc­in was linked to heart side effects.

So what to do? Well, one thing Davies suggests is to use antibiotic­s a lot more sparingly. Back when I was in training, I can remember a doctor counsellin­g the other residents and I. Don’t overprescr­ibe, she said, but if you need to get a patient out of your office, the fastest way is to just write a prescripti­on. This was in the early 1990s, so it’s no wonder that we’re now seeing increasing reports of Methicilli­nresistant staph aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin-resistant Enterococc­us (VRE) outbreaks in Canada.

Attitudes have changed a lot since the early 1990s. Antibiotic prescripti­on is trending slightly downward. But people keep asking for their meds — and arguing with you if you don’t supply them. At the clinic where I’m medical director, we track the performanc­e of our doctors with client satisfacti­on scores, among other measures. One of our doctors commented recently that his client ratings would go up a lot if he prescribed all the antibiotic­s that people requested.

That’s not strictly true, however. In fact, studies show that prescribin­g antibiotic­s has not been shown to be a determinan­t of patient satisfacti­on. Rather, researcher­s have linked patient satisfacti­on to

‘Antimicrob­ial resistance is a ticking time bomb’

physicians who take the time to explain the rationale for avoiding prescribin­g.

Studies have shown antibiotic prescripti­ons decrease if doctors educate patients about antibiotic­s and the potential for danger if they’re overused. Heading off an antibiotic apocalypse will require physicians to follow antibiotic stewardshi­p by essentiall­y becoming a lot more stingy with how often they prescribe them. We should prescribe less than we do, and we should prescribe shorter courses of medication (five to seven days), to reduce the likelihood people will have leftover stores of drugs that they’ ll use to self-medicate — which in turn can lead to more antibiotic resistance.

So here’s a request: Don’t get mad at your doctor when he or she doesn’t write you a prescripti­on. They are probably doing you a favour. Antibiotic prescripti­on is one of those cases where the old adage applies: Less is more.

 ?? FOTOLIA ?? Protip: Don’t insist on antibiotic­s if they are not offered.
FOTOLIA Protip: Don’t insist on antibiotic­s if they are not offered.
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