National Post

Time to abandon EV mandates

- Dan Mcteague Dan Mcteague is president of Canadians for Affordable Energy.

Canada is not nearly ready for the wholesale adoption of electric vehicles (EVS).

That was the message of the letter I sent to every member of Parliament recently, urging them to drop the “Electric Vehicle Availabili­ty Standard” introduced by the federal government late last year. The policy mandates that all new vehicles sold in Canada must be electric by 2035. There is no way, considerin­g the economic, technologi­cal and infrastruc­tural realities of our country — and our world — where this is possible.

Stubbornly attempting to achieve this goal would do serious damage to our economy, leaving taxpayers on the hook for generation­s to come. Already, billions of tax dollars have been handed out in subsidies to companies that have no accountabi­lity to Canadians. This experiment in societal re-engineerin­g will disproport­ionately harm workers and families, especially those who live in rural communitie­s.

And it will surely fail. In my letter, I highlight a few of the central reasons why staying the course on EV mandates by 2035 is extremely reckless. Right off the bat, the technology is simply not there for EVS to be a reliable source of transporta­tion in Canada’s climate. The batteries cannot hold their charge in frigid temperatur­es. Forcing motorists to rely on vehicles that can’t handle our winters is irresponsi­ble and dangerous.

EVS’ cost is another issue. Right now, the EV market relies heavily on government subsidies. These subsidies can’t last forever. But without them, EVS are prohibitiv­ely expensive. Even with them, the costs of maintainin­g an EV are high. Replacing a damaged battery, for example, can cost upward of $20,000. Mandating that people buy vehicles they can’t afford to either purchase in the first place or maintain if they do buy them is political malpractic­e.

A fact long ignored by decision-makers in Ottawa is that our electrical grid isn’t ready for the excess demand that would come with widespread EV adoption. These mandates, paired with the government’s goal of fully decarboniz­ing the grid by 2035, put us on a collision course with the reality of unreliable power. A grid powered, not by reliable fossil fuels, but by spotty wind and solar energy would be further burdened with millions of cars relying exclusivel­y on electricit­y.

Beyond the electricit­y itself, the EV mandates will require additional transmissi­on and distributi­on capacity. But there are no signs any plan is in place to expand our transmissi­on capacity to meet the 2035 target.

The sheer number of new charging stations required by wholesale adoption of EVS will strain our distributi­on networks. Natural Resources Canada estimates the country will need between 442,000 and 469,000 public charging ports by 2035. At the moment, we have roughly 28,000. And that doesn’t include the private charging stations people will need to install at home. Closing that gap in such a tight time frame is almost certainly impossible.

All of those considerat­ions aside, at a fundamenta­l level the government’s push for EVS encroaches on the operation of the free market, all in the name of emissions reductions. The Canadian economy is founded on the market principle that the consumer drives the economy (no pun intended). Thousands of times over, it has been shown that if there is enough demand for a product, supply soon follows. In the case of EVS, however, the federal government is operating under the assumption that if you somehow create a supply, that will inspire a demand.

This hasn’t worked in any of the countries where it’s been attempted, which is why nations around the world have started to tap the brakes on EV mandates. Decision-makers in Ottawa need to follow suit and abandon these reckless and costly mandates. Let the market decide when EVS are ready for prime time. In other words, let Canadians decide.

 ?? ERROL MCGIHON / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Staying the course on EV mandates by 2035 is extremely reckless, Dan Mcteague writes.
ERROL MCGIHON / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Staying the course on EV mandates by 2035 is extremely reckless, Dan Mcteague writes.

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