National Post

Ministers downplay call for PM to resign

‘I don’t think it’s constructi­ve,’ Leblanc says

- Catherine Lévesque

• Two Liberal cabinet ministers from New Brunswick are distancing themselves from their colleague’s call for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign.

Wayne Long, a New Brunswick MP who is not running for re-election, became the first member of the Liberal caucus to ask Trudeau to step down on Friday afternoon — only days after the party’s disastrous byelection loss in the riding of Toronto—st. Paul’s.

“For the future of our party and for the good of our country we need new leadership and a new direction,” he wrote in an email sent to his caucus colleagues and obtained by the National Post. “The voters have spoken loud and clear. They want change. I agree.”

During a media availabili­ty on Tuesday, Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc and Veterans Affairs Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor were asked about Long’s letter.

“I don’t think it’s constructi­ve for 150-plus Liberal MPS to comment on each other’s comments publicly. I’d be very busy all day if I tried to catch up with that,” said Leblanc.

After repeated questions on the issue, he said: “I don’t want to comment on Wayne.”

Liberals lost the June 24 byelection in Toronto—st. Paul’s, a riding they have comfortabl­y held for over 30 years, to the Conservati­ves by fewer than 600 votes. The stunning upset has intensifie­d questions about Trudeau’s leadership and whether he should quit.

Petitpas Taylor said the outcome was not what “any of us were hoping for” and it was a “tough night for the Liberals,” but said the Trudeau government will “continue to do the important work that Canadians are expecting of us.”

She “completely” agrees with Leblanc’s comments on Long’s call for the prime minister’s resignatio­n and insisted that cabinet ministers are “extremely busy” with their work this summer.

Environmen­t Minister Steven Guilbeault said something similar last week, but it was later revealed that he was working the phones to see who would ask for Trudeau’s resignatio­n — which he did in a train station close to a Toronto Star contributo­r.

In the past week, several former federal Liberal ministers and former British Columbia premier Christy Clark have all called on Trudeau to step down whereas many current Liberal ministers and MPS have publicly expressed their support for Trudeau.

Liberal MP Chandra Arya wrote on X that, in his view, Trudeau has taken the party “too far left of centre” and that he is not perfect, but said he reaffirms his “trust and confidence” in the prime minister and will fight the next election under his leadership.

Trudeau made it clear in an interview with CBC News on Monday that he was not going anywhere.

“There’s always going to be lots of reflection after a tough loss, but there’s also so much to do and I am committed to doing the work of building a better Canada every single day,” he told the broadcaste­r during a Canada Day event in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador.

“There are tough days and there are better days, but Canadians are strong and resilient and that’s why we keep moving forward.”

Leblanc said there will “obviously” have to be a reflection on the results in Toronto—st. Paul’s but downplayed its importance.

“Byelection­s are byelection­s. They’re not general elections,” he said. “The government has a job to do. We need to think (about) what those results mean for the work that we’ve been doing, and that’s the work that I know all of us will do over the coming weeks.”

Several media outlets have also been reporting that Liberal MP George Chahal and eight other MPS have been demanding an immediate caucus meeting to discuss the byelection results.

Chahal did not respond to an interview request from the National Post but his initiative — which came hours after Long’s email — is adding to the ongoing speculatio­n about Trudeau’s participat­ion in the Calgary Stampede as Chahal is his lone MP in Calgary.

The past two years, the prime minister has appeared at Chahal’s pancake breakfast and a Liberal fundraiser during the annual event.

However, as of Tuesday afternoon, Trudeau was still not confirmed as a guest for Saturday’s Laurier Club Stampede reception.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, and cabinet ministers Anita Anand and Randy Boissonnau­lt are listed as headliners for the event.

Despite calls for his resignatio­n, Trudeau expects to still be prime minister next week. His office announced he would be travelling to Washington, D.C., from July 8 to 11.

He is expected to participat­e in the NATO Summit, where allied countries will be joined by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and will meet with United States representa­tives as part of a “Team Canada” effort to promote Canada’s interests.


 ?? PATRICK DOYLE / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? “Byelection­s are byelection­s. They’re not general elections,” said Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc
after the Liberal loss in the Toronto—st. Paul’s vote.
PATRICK DOYLE / THE CANADIAN PRESS “Byelection­s are byelection­s. They’re not general elections,” said Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc after the Liberal loss in the Toronto—st. Paul’s vote.

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