National Post

Been there, Saw that

- Chris Knight­tfilm

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Cast: Chris Rock, Max Minghella, Samuel L. Jackson

Director: Darren Lynn Bousman

Duration: 1 h 33 m

Available: in theatres where possible, with on demand release to follow

I recently had a discussion with my son about the oddity of horror-movie titles. Look at Friday the 13th. Part 4 was called The Final Chapter. It wasn’t. Part 9 went by The Final Friday. Nope. And Part 12, which came out in 2009, was just Friday the 13th, like the first one. The Halloween franchise has had similar naming issues, with three of its 12 instalment­s just called Halloween.

Which brings us to Saw. For many years the sequels, while not following a strict chronology, at least went by a standard numbering system. But then came Saw VI, which was followed by Saw 3D, Jigsaw and now the awkwardly titled Spiral: From the Book of Saw.

The main characters in this one are a cynical cop named Banks, and a rookie named Schenk. Now, tell me you don’t want to watch a movie called Schenk & Banks! It sounds like a cooking show spun off from the Fast & Furious franchise.

But we’re stuck with Spiral, even though no one in the film ever explains what “the Book of Saw” is about. I’m guessing it’s a playbook, probably containing a maxim like: Do unto others what you could not stomach having done unto you. It’s some gruesome.

Chris Rock stars as Zeke Banks, son of former police chief Marcus Banks, played by Samuel L. Jackson. (This is inspired casting, even if it requires Marcus to have been a teenage father.) Zeke once did the right thing and reported a dirty cop, who subsequent­ly did time for his crime. As a result, he’s not the most popular detective in the precinct.

But when a fellow detective is killed by a deranged and inventive killer — think Wile E. Coyote but with buckets of blood — Zeke insists on leading the investigat­ion.

The new chief (Marisol Nichols), agrees, but insists on pairing him with rookie officer William Schenk (Max Minghella), who tells Zeke that it was Chief Marcus who inspired him to want to become a cop.

As written by Josh Stolberg and Pete Goldfinger (Piranha 3D), Spiral has all the ingredient­s of a decent buddy-cop comedy-thriller. There’s Zeke’s fractious relationsh­ip with his dad, his motor-mouthed monologue in which he complains to William about his disintegra­ting marriage, and all the tension in the precinct over Zeke’s “betrayal” of a fellow officer. If looks could shoot ...

But recall that the director is Darren Lynn Bousman, whose credits include Saw III, Saw II and Saw IV — add ’em up and he’s a natural pick for this one, which is essentiall­y Saw IX. So we get scenes of people having various body parts ripped off, in addition to blunt trauma, electrocut­ion and, in one creative moment, perforatio­n by shards of glass fired from a bottle shredder. And they say recycling is good for you!

The victims are all members of the police force, raising the possibilit­y that they’re connected in some way to Zeke — and raising suspicion among the officers that he might even be involved.

And while the franchise finally seems to have left behind the character of John Kramer, a.k.a. Jigsaw, his methods are still very much at play in this new, gory chapter.

“The spiral is a symbol of change, evolution, progress,” says a monologuin­g bad guy, late in the game. Maybe, but Spiral doesn’t feel like it’s doing enough that’s new. This is a case of been there, Saw that.

Among other things, its cut-to-black ending is clearly angling for a sequel, and that’s the oldest trick in the book. ★★

 ?? LIONSGATE ?? Marisol Nichols and Chris Rock wade through buckets of
blood in the horror flick Spiral: The Book of Saw.
LIONSGATE Marisol Nichols and Chris Rock wade through buckets of blood in the horror flick Spiral: The Book of Saw.

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