National Post

Poll says 29 per cent question vaccine science

But 70% want mandatory immunizati­on

- sharon KirKEy National Post

As B.C. battles an outbreak of exquisitel­y infectious measles, a new poll suggests a third of Canadians are questionin­g the science behind vaccines.

The Angus Reid Institute online survey found that 29 per cent of those polled are of the opinion that the science on vaccinatio­ns against deadly childhood infections isn’t “quite clear.” And the skepticism rises with age, with 36 per cent of Canadians over 55 believing the science isn’t entirely convincing.

A further one-quarter — 26 per cent — believe there is a “real risk of serious side effects” from vaccinatio­ns, even though such bodies as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that side effects from childhood vaccines, for the most part, are minor (such as a sore arm, slight fever or fussiness) and serious reactions rare (occurring in less than one out of a million doses with the diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine, for example).

Still, the majority (74 per cent) polled agreed that people campaignin­g against vaccines are “irresponsi­ble” and seven in 10 Canadians, whether or not they have children at home, said they would support mandatory immunizati­ons, removing a parent’s right to opt out.

Twenty per cent of parents who have children under the age of 12, meanwhile, said it should remain a parent’s choice. Conservati­ves were twice as likely as Liberal or NDP voters to agree the choice should be that of the parent.

Even though a third of Canadians said they were unsure of the science around vaccines, they weren’t necessaril­y saying it’s wrong, or misleading, said Angus Reid’s executive director Shachi Kurl.

“If you are somebody who has not always understood why a flu shot works one year and not the next, or why some vaccines appear to be more effective than others, there can be some confusion about the clarity of the science,” Kurl said.

“We’re also in an era now that has a higher propensity, and a higher level of skepticism towards the so-called experts,” she said. “It may be that what we’re seeing is the reflection of people saying, ‘Well, no, I don’t think the science is quite clear, and just because it’s science doesn’t mean that it is by definition clear.’ We see this in the climate science debate and other debates as well.”

That said, the hesitancy doesn’t appear to have much bearing over whether people think vaccines work, Kurl said. Nine in 10 agreed that vaccines are effective at reducing the risk of diseases spreading, and 83 per cent said they would vaccinate their own children without reservatio­n. Five per cent were against vaccinatin­g their children outright.

Globally, measles cases have spiked 30 per cent since 2016, a resurgence experts have pinned at least partly on the anti-vaccine rhetoric pervasive on social media.

In Canada, one tenth of children are going unvaccinat­ed, meaning 750,000 young Canadians have no immunity whatsoever against diphtheria, whopping cough, tetanus and measles.

No parent in Canada can be forced to have his or her child vaccinated. Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick have mandatory school entry laws, but all three allow non-medical exemptions on religious or conscienti­ous grounds and, in Ontario, those exemptions are rising.

The new survey found that, by almost a three-to-one margin, Canadians believe vaccinatio­ns should be mandatory and not the choice of parents. That view held on both sides of the political aisle. “It’s not as though there is a strong civil liberty or a libertaria­n view that is coming through wholly on one side of the political spectrum or divide,” Kurl said.

Still, the data overall reflects some of the tension between those who believe vaccines are valuable “and those who have some degree of uncertaint­y,” said Timothy Caulfield, a professor of health law and policy at the University of Alberta.

“These aren’t hard-core anti-vaxxers — these are people who are being exposed to the misinforma­tion and want to do the best for their kids, but feel conflicted, and feel that the data isn’t certain,” Caulfield said. “The science around vaccines isn’t unclear — the science is tremendous­ly well establishe­d.”

People have argued vaccines are the single greatest achievemen­t of biomedicin­e. “They save millions of lives every year,” Caulfield said. “One would hope that every Canadian would embrace that reality.”

The Angus Reid survey was conducted in early February among a randomized sample of 1,723 Canadian adults. A sample of this size has a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? A children’s doctor injects an infant with a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox.
GETTY IMAGES FILES A children’s doctor injects an infant with a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox.

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