National Post



- Robert Fulford

In May, 1939, the SS St. Louis, an ocean liner, set sail from Hamburg to Havana, carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jews hoping to escape Nazi persecutio­n. That voyage went into history as a tragedy after three potential destinatio­ns — Cuba, the U. S. and Canada — refused to admit the St. Louis and sent the ship and its unhappy passengers back to Europe.

It docked finally at Antwerp, Belgium, and most of the passengers went to European countries, right into the path of the Holocaust. Auschwitz and other Nazi death camps killed 254 of those who were on the ship, victims of indifferen­ce in the countries they’d begged to enter.

The doomed voyage of the St. Louis became a melancholy story in Jewish history, told and retold in books and on film, noted at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Israel, the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, the Hamburg Museum and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax. No doubt many who know a little history recalled it as I did this week when U. S. President Donald Trump authorized American border guards to “turn back” (even the wording is just as it was in 1939) desperate refugees from Syria and six other countries.

After their icy friendship with the Obama administra­tion and their prolonged mutual irritation with the European Union, Israelis may well be tempted to embrace Trump’s invitation to a renewed U. S.- Israel relationsh­ip. After all, Trump is a powerful force in world affairs and comes equipped with backing from Republican majorities in the Senate and House of Representa­tives. He seems to be on genial terms with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And of course Israel always seems to be running short of friends.

With its existence so often at risk, Israel has learned to move carefully through the snakepit of the Middle East. That is not Trump’s way. He lives in the moment. He often makes decisions on the run, following his instincts, which he trusts.

His heartbreak­ing refusal to admit helpless refugees in transit was either an impulse or a plan he kept secret in order to heighten its impact on voters and the world — in either case an act of exceptiona­l cruelty.

The Iraqi government, in theory America’s ally in the fight against ISIL, had to learn of Trump’s Muslim- banning from the U. S. media. He hadn’t warned even his alleged friends. Gen. John F. Kelly, the newly appointed secretary of Homeland Security, was still getting his briefing on the executive order when Trump signed it.

After the storm broke, when near- riots were breaking out at airports and demonstrat­ors were carrying “Let Them In” signs, Trump changed his order, decreeing that people holding U. S. green cards would not be detained at the borders. From a leader who promised a better form of government, it was a striking example of arbitrary, off-the-cuff management. “Policy by thunderbol­t,” commented Prof. Joseph Nye of Harvard.

And more than that, it violated Jewish custom. Dan Meridor, a former deputy prime minister and justice minister of Israel, said Netanyahu should have condemned the new U. S. government’s entry ban on citizens from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Libya. Meridor argued that the Jewish state should place Jewish values above expediency. He noted that “Jews have been leading the movement for civil rights and against racism for over 200 years, all over the world, in America and Europe. We should be guided by our moral compass. Jewish history and Jewish values should guide us, in line with our tradition.” The refugees, who had been vetted before going to America, turned out to have no civil rights, not even the right to know where they were being taken.

Since Trump has decided to run a one-man government, his character has become a serious issue in world affairs and a serious question for Israelis contemplat­ing diplomatic friendship. Judging by his speeches, his opinions and intentions can change without notice. He can hold two sharply contrary views on the same day, sometimes even during the same speech. He’s promised to cancel the agreement over nuclear arms with Iran. He’s also promised that he’ll rigidly enforce it.

He has already provoked a phenomenon that the Jerusalem Post calls “the crisis in IsraeliMex­ican relations.” In an interview he praised Israel’s security wall and compared it to the wall he plans to build on America’s southern border to keep out Mexicans.

Pleased, Netanyahu tweeted, “President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigratio­n. Great success. Great idea.” That angered the Mexican government, which it expressed as “deepest dismay, rejection and disappoint­ment.” That led to anti- Semitic outbursts on Mexican social media and ( according to the Jerusalem Post) “sowed fear and anger within Mexico’s Jewish community.”

Trump’s capricious style could be dangerous in relations with Israel. In a spontaneou­s speech about the two-state solution, it’s not hard to imagine, he could send everyone involved charging down a blind alley. And Israel must expect that if he offers help he will assume he’s in charge — either Trump himself or Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and, he has said, peace envoy on Israel- related issues. ( Apparently he’s concerned about the Middle East. He and King Salman of Saudi Arabia have already talked about addressing Iran’s “destabiliz­ing regional activities.”)

At the moment Trump’s position has made certain decisions more agreeable than before for the Israeli government. Within days of Trump’s inaugurati­on Netanyahu approved the constructi­on of about 2,500 new homes in Jewish West Bank and East Jerusalem settlement­s, the biggest such expansion in three years.

Under Obama, that would have produced sharp American criticism. But in the Trump era, both the White House and the State Department initially declined to comment. The European Union said the settlement­s decision threatened “the prospects for a viable two- state solution.” J Street, a liberal American Jewish organizati­on, denounced the silence of Trump’s underlings. “The failure of the American government to criticize this announceme­nt would mark an unpreceden­ted break with 50 years of bipartisan opposition to settlement expansion.” J Street said this meant Netanyahu “has carte blanche from the new American President for unlimited settlement expansion.” Netanyahu and Trump have together given Jews everywhere another reason to argue about their state’s future. But on Thursday another Trumpian mind- change was announced: After further considerat­ion, he decided to warn Netanyahu to hold off on settlement constructi­on.

While campaignin­g, Trump promised to move the U. S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. At that moment he brought to the foreground the most directly sensitive of all the many issues contributi­ng to Palestinia­n- Israeli conflict. Islam and Judaism both consider the city a holy place and both feel it should be in their hands. The capture of the Western Wall in Jerusalem has been described as the most exultant moment for Israeli troops in the Six-Day War of 1967. Over the centuries, a re- ligious dispute has calcified into a matter of politics and war.

Israel put its government and its parliament ( Knesset) there, but Palestinia­ns have never recognized the legitimacy of that government or its right to be in Jerusalem. Many nations ( including the U. S. and Canada) don’t locate there. Those embassies are in nearby Tel Aviv, out of deference to Palestinia­n feelings ( that, and their frequent use of violence). Joe Clark, when briefly prime minister of Canada in 1979- 80, intended to fulfil a campaign promise to move Canada’s embassy to Jerusalem but reversed himself when he realized it would be monumental­ly troublesom­e.

Trump, promising to relocate the embassy, apparently was moved to please the Israelis. But word has come back from Israel that this might not be the right time. The Jordanian minister of informatio­n has said that moving the U.S. embassy now would be a catastroph­e and probably a “gift to extremists.” It would “inflame the Islamic and Arabic streets.” Jordan, he said, would use all political and diplomatic means to prevent such a decision.

So Trump, delaying for a while, says he’s “studying it very long and hard” before reaching a decision. “I hate to do that because that’s not usually me,” Trump said. “Usually, I do what’s right.” Will he ever follow through on this promise? “Well, there’s certainly a chance of it, absolutely.” ( Everything that occurs to him he’s likely to do “absolutely.” I think he just likes that word.)

Bernard- Henri Lévy, the renowned French philosophe­r, has offered Israelis a brief warning: “May the recipients of Trump’s sudden solicitude be as wary of this new friend as they are of their enemies. May they never forget that Israel’s fate is too serious a matter to be used as a pretext for an impulsive, uncultured adventurer to demonstrat­e his authority or supposed deal-making talents.”

Considerin­g his performanc­e in the earliest days of the Trump era, it’s absolutely reasonable to suggest that Trump is not a friend that Israel needs.


 ?? KOBI GIDEON / GPO VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Donald Trump shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in September while Trump was campaignin­g for the U. S. presidency.
KOBI GIDEON / GPO VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Donald Trump shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in September while Trump was campaignin­g for the U. S. presidency.
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