National Post



- Jonathan Soble

UTSUNOMIYA, JAPAN • In the sofa-appointed listening room of a factory north of Tokyo, hi- fi fans can listen to vintage vinyl records on a sound system costing $ 45,000, including a sleek silver turntable. Musical choices include rock — the Eagles’ Hotel California, sounding warm and vivid through four-foot-tall speakers — jazz and classical. Not on the menu: hip-hop. Or disco. Or the thumping, floor-convulsing sounds of modern techno or house music, which helped make the record player at the centre of this audiophile’s paradise famous.

The turntable, the Technics SL-1200, may not enjoy the name recognitio­n of, say, Fender electric guitars or Steinway pianos. But if you have watched a DJ scratching furiously behind a rapper in the last few decades, you have almost certainly seen one, or, more likely, a deftly manipulate­d pair.

That legacy seems like an easy sales hook for the Panasonic Corp. of Japan, which has reintroduc­ed the turntable to great fanfare.

Panasonic has chosen mostly to ignore it.

“Our concept is analog records for hi-fi listening,” said Hiro Morishita, a creative director at Technics. “DJs are fine, too, but as a marketing target it’s problemati­c. We don’t want to sell the 1200 as the best tool for DJing. The 1200 is the 1200.”

It is a dilemma most marketers would long for: a product with a built- in fan base and perhaps too much cultural cachet. For all their passion, Panasonic calculated, the SL-1200’s core customers were not numerous enough, or rich enough, to make reviving the Technics brand financiall­y worthwhile. It needed to reach wealthy, older audiophile­s who would spend extravagan­tly on gear — not only the turntable, but also the amplifier, speakers and other equipment that the company markets alongside it.

And too few such people, it figured, appreciate the finer points of hip-hop.

Hence the absence of Dr. Dre and the Beastie Boys in the factory’s listening room. And hence a new, more rarefied price: 330,000 yen, or about $2,800, which is roughly four times its earlier cost. Bedroom DJs without trust funds will struggle to buy one, let alone the customary two.

Panasonic admits it struggled with how to acknowledg­e the SL-1200’s history and fans.

“There was a lot of debate,” Morishita said. “Would we keep the name? Would we change the design?” In the end, he said, the company decided the turntable was too iconic to change drasticall­y. The latest version, the SL-1200G, has an upgraded motor and a few other touches, but is otherwise the same as the players Technics made in decades past.

The main difference is in the marketing. Instead of sponsoring DJ contests, Technics has hired a German classical pianist, Alice Sara Ott, to be its “global brand ambassador” and provided an SL-1200G to Abbey Road Studios, of Beatles fame. Serene connoisseu­rship, not sweaty nightclubs, is the theme.

“It’s unusual in that you’ve had relatively positive associatio­ns and decided to disown that,” said Ravi Dhar, a professor of marketing at Yale.

“When the brand already has an image that is associated with certain groups, if you try to move away from it, it’s risky,” he said. “But for them, the associatio­ns weren’t positive for the market they’re targeting.”

Some famous users have been harsher. “They never really gave support to the DJ community,” Jeffrey Allen Townes, better known as DJ Jazzy Jeff, said in a Facebook post after the revival announceme­nt, criticizin­g Panasonic for high prices and for ignoring the consumers who stuck by the SL-1200 during vinyl’s lean years.

The SL- 1200 was first made in the 1970s, and while plenty of other record players have come and gone, none are as central to the global culture of hip-hop and dance music.

“If you wanted to be taken seriously, you saved up and you bought a pair,” said Barrington Oakley, a veteran British DJ who performs under the name Cutmaster Swift and won a world DJing championsh­ip in 1989. Part of the prize: a gold-plated SL1200. “The life of this turntable has beaten all the odds.”

In 2008, Panasonic said it was closing its Technics audio division and would discontinu­e most of the division’s products.

Two years ago, Panasonic swerved again, saying it was reviving the Technics brand to target the premium end of the audio market. Vinyl records were making a comeback, too. In a modest backlash against digitizati­on, record sales in the last couple of years have crept up to their highest levels since the format’s heyday. By early 2016, the SL-1200 was back in production.

Panasonic emphasizes the effort that goes into making the turntables, which are now produced at a different factory about two hours from Tokyo. Only 20 are assembled a day, with most of the work done by hand.

Even at nearly $3,000, the turntable may not make any money for Panasonic.

 ??  ??
 ?? ANDREW TESTA / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Panasonic has reintroduc­ed its Technics SL-1200, long prized by DJs, but is marketing it to a different crowd.
ANDREW TESTA / THE NEW YORK TIMES Panasonic has reintroduc­ed its Technics SL-1200, long prized by DJs, but is marketing it to a different crowd.

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