National Post

Hate on the left, hate on the right

- Charles Krauthamme­r

By internatio­nal and historical standards, political violence is exceedingl­y rare in the United States. The last serious outburst was in 1968, with its bloody Democratic- convention riots. By that standard, 2016 is, as yet, tame. It may not remain so.

The political thuggery that shut down a Donald Trump rally in Chicago last week may just be a harbinger. It would be nice, therefore, if we could think straight about cause and effect.

The immediate convention­al wisdom was to blame the disturbanc­e on the “toxic climate” created by Trump. Nonsense. This was an act of deliberate sabotage created by a totalitari­an left that specialize­s in the intimidati­on and silencing of political opponents. Its pedigree goes back to early 20th- century fascism and communism. Its more recent incarnatio­n has been developed on college campuses, where for years leftists have been taunting, disrupting, and shutting down and shutting out conservati­ve speakers of every stripe — long before Trump.

The Chicago shutdown was a planned attack on free speech and free assembly. Hence the exultant chant of the protesters on the announceme­nt of the rally’s cancellati­on: “We stopped Trump.” It had all the spontaneit­y of a beer-hall putsch. Given the people, the money and the groups ( including Move-On. org) behind Chicago, it is likely to be replicated, constituti­ng a serious threat to a civilized politics.

But there’s a second, quite separate form of thuggery threatenin­g the 2016 campaign — a leading candidate who, with a wink and a nod (and sometimes less subtly), is stoking anger and encouragin­g violence.

This must be distinguis­hed from what happened in Chicago, where Trump was the victim and for which he is not responsibl­e. But he is responsibl­e for saying of a protester at his rally in Las Vegas, “I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that? ... They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”

He told another rally that if people see any protesters preparing to throw a tomato, to “knock the crap out of them ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees.” Referring in an interview to yet another protester, Trump said, “maybe he should have been roughed up.” At the Vegas event, he had said, “I’d like to punch him in the face.” Well, in Fayettevil­le, N.C., one of his supporters did exactly that for him — sucker- punching in the face a protester being led away. The attacker is being charged with assault.

Trump is not responsibl­e for the assault. But he is responsibl­e for refusing to condemn it. Asked about it, he dodged and wove, searching for extenuatio­n. “The man got carried away.” So what? If people who get carried away are allowed to sucker-punch others, we’d be living in a jungle.

Trump said that the cold-cocker “obviously loves his country.” What is it about punching a demonstrat­or in the face that makes evident one’s patriotism? Particular­ly when the attacker said on television, “Next time we see him, we might have to kill him.”

Whoa! That’s lynch talk. And rather than condemn that man, Trump said he would be instructin­g his people to look into paying his legal fees.

This from the leader of the now-strongest faction in the Republican Party, the man most likely to be the GOP nominee for president. And who, when asked Wednesday about the possibilit­y of being denied the nomination at the convention if he’s way ahead in delegates but just short of a majority, said, “I think you’d have riots,” adding, “I wouldn’t lead it, but I think bad things would happen.”

Is that incitement to riot? Legally, no. But you’d have to be a fool to miss the underlying implicatio­n.

There’s an air of division in the country. Fine. It’s happened often in our history. Indeed, the whole point of politics is to identify, highlight, argue and ultimately adjudicate and accommodat­e such divisions. Politics is the civilized substitute for settling things the old-fashioned way — laying your opponent out on a stretcher.

What is so disturbing today is that suffusing American politics is not just an air of division, but an air of menace. It’s being fuelled on both sides: one side through organized anti- free- speech agitation using Bolshevik tactics; the other side by verbal encouragem­ent and threats of varying degrees of subtlety.

They may feed off each other but they are of independen­t origin. And both are repugnant, both dangerous and both deserving of the most unreserved condemnati­on.



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