National Post

Morality splits on gender lines

Poll finds men, women at odds on sexual topics

- Alexandra Heck

We’ve heard it all before — men and women can’t agree on anything, and a new poll suggests that might be true.

Men and women have different moral stances on such divisive issues as pornograph­y, sex between high school students, keeping a handgun in the house and avoiding taxes, an Angus Reid poll finds.

The most dramatic difference­s between the genders lie in sexually based topics.

Fifty- two per cent of men said watching porn is morally acceptable while women strongly disagree. Fifty- six per cent of women stated that watching porn is unacceptab­le.

Men also find buying or selling sex more acceptable than do women. Thirty- five per cent of men think buying sex is OK and 36 per cent find selling sex is fine. Women come in at 16 and 17 per cent, respective­ly.

Shachi Kurl, senior vicepresid­ent of t he Angus Reid Institute, says t he gender divide on sexual topics is common. “It’s consistent on issues of sex,” she said. “It is a striking gender gap, but it is one we’ve seen before.”

The study, which polled 1,530 Canadians Dec. 10-14 with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 per cent, also found that age is a defining factor.

Kurl said the majority of women over 55 see watching porn as immoral, while fewer than half of women in the 18- 34 age group agree. On the other hand, young men in the same age cohort mostly agree that watching porn is acceptable.

The poll reveals that men are also more likely to find telling jokes about race more acceptable.

And the same applies to having an affair. Most Canadians see an affair as morally unacceptab­le, although eight per cent of men polled find it is acceptable.

On the question of guns, 29 per cent of men find it all right to keep a handgun in the house; only 16 per cent of women feel the same.

The study also probed feelings on such issues as gambling, tax avoidance, abortion, capital punishment and assisted suicide. It found that a little more than half of those polled see assisted suicide as morally acceptable, about 40 per cent favour abortion, 10 per cent see not declaring income to avoid paying taxes as not a moral issue, and only 49 per cent of both men and women see eating meat as morally acceptable.

More men than women saw gambling and the death penalty as morally acceptable.

Another study conducted by Bertram Gawronski, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, found that men and women have different responses to moral questions.

That study asked more than 6,000 subjects what they would do faced with a moral dilemma and found that both men and women consider the circumstan­ces of a situation. The difference? Women are more likely to have a strong emotional response.

“Women are more likely to imagine the victim,” said Rebecca Friesdorf, a PhD student at Wilfrid Laurier University who worked on the project with Gawronki and Dr. Paul Conway, now an associate professor at Florida State University.

Noting the Angus Reid poll, Friesdorf said women might be more likely to morally oppose acts that cause harm — such as spanking and the death penalty. “It could, potentiall­y, in part be driven by the stronger emotional reaction they have,” she said.

But beyond the gender divide, Kurl said, “A lot of things make up the moral codes of Canadians.”

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