National Post


Commander targeted in airstrike believed to have plotted diplomat’s kidnapping


Canada’s plan was to bring Mokhtar Belmokhtar to trial.

After the terrorist commander orchestrat­ed the 2008 kidnapping of Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler in Niger, Ottawa wanted to put him in a courtroom to answer for ransoming one of its citizens to “benefit … a terrorist group,” according to the Department of Justice’s Interpol warrant.

Algeria had already sentenced Belmokhtar to death in absentia. Among other crimes, he spent almost a generation staging a campaign of “massacres,” “murder” and “aggravated theft” from the North African desert, according to Algerian authoritie­s.

After the deadly 2013 attack Belmokhtar staged on an Algerian gas plant, the United States issued a $5 million reward to bring him “to justice.”

Behind the scenes, though, the U.S. was fine with seeing the elusive one-eyed terrorist killed. And this week, Pentagon officials announced they got their wish.

On Saturday, F-15s streaking over the Libyan Desert sent 227-kilo bombs smashing into a reported al-Qaida position where Belmokhtar was thought to be hiding.

“The Libyan government in the east of Libya confirms that the U.S fighter jets conducted air strikes last night in a mission which resulted in the death of the terrorist Belmokhtar,” the recognized government of Libya said in a statement Monday.

It’s not the first time the elusive 43-year-old has been reported killed, though. In 2013, the Chadian military boasted it had completely destroyed a terrorist base, amassing a toll of “several dead terrorists, including their leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar.”

Only months later, Belmokhtar popped up to claim responsibi­lity for a fresh wave of attacks and suicide bombings.

Born in 1973 in Eastern Algeria, Belmokhtar, like so many other Islamic terrorists, was radicalize­d by the Soviet invasion of Afghanista­n.

He trained with jihadist groups in Afghanista­n starting in the late 1980s before returning to Algeria to fight in the Algerian Civil War in the early 1990s, where he lost an eye.

In the two decades since, Belmokhtar continued to operate out of the Sahara desert, orchestrat­ing hostagetak­ings and smuggling illegal cigarettes, earning as much $50 million, which he used to build a private jihadist army.

His expertise at smuggling tobacco earned him the name “Mr. Marlboro,” U.S. authoritie­s noted.

Fowler was kidnapped by Belmokhtar’s men in Northern Niger in 2008.

“Despite the voluminous robes, he was relatively slight, with a heavily weathered, deeply lined face and curly black hair,” the diplomat wrote later of his encounter with the terrorist leader.

“His most distinguis­hing feature was a deep, almost vertical scar that began above the middle of his right eyebrow, crossed his right eyelid, and continued across his right cheek, disappeari­ng into his moustache.”

In contrast to the ideology espoused by Fowler’s younger captors, Belmokhtar was “profession­al” and “businessli­ke,” and always travelled in a convoy of Toyota off-road vehicles.

Fowler was released in April 2009. In his book, A Season in Hell, he said he had no knowledge of the terms that had led to his release.

However, according to letters uncovered by journalist Rukmini Callimachi in Timbuktu, Mali, the freedom of Fowler and his colleague Louis Guay cost $1 million.

The sum enraged Belmokhtar’s al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb bosses, according to the correspond­ence dug up by Callimachi. They believed the Algerian could have got as much as $3 million for Fowler if only he had been smarter.

This, along with Belmokhtar’s refusal to file expense reports or answer his phone, eventually contribute­d to him forming a breakaway group, the Signed-in-Blood Battalion.

In its most notorious attack in 2013, members took expatriate workers hostage at a BPoperated gas plant in Algeria. Thirty-nine hostages, including 10 Japanese and three Americans, died during an Algerian military assault. Among the dead were two radicalize­d Canadians from London, Ont., Xris Katsirouba­s and Ali Medlej.

In an online video, Belmokhtar claimed responsibi­lity for what he called a “sacrificia­l blessed operation.”

The gas pl a nt attack spurred quick action from the United States. Within days, the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion hit Belmokhtar with eight charges and obtained a warrant for his arrest.

“Mokhtar Belmokhtar has long been one of the key leaders of al-Qaida’s efforts in North Africa,” read FBI court documents.

The U,S, meanwhile, partnered with France in prioritizi­ng a hunt for Northern African Islamists, with Belmokhtar at the top of the list.

A U.S. official told CNN Monday Belmokhtar was “the intended target” of the bombs, but U.S. sources are still hesitant to confirm the operation was a success.

Indeed, according to at least one source in Libya, Belmokhtar may have once again cheated death. Monday, a Libyan Islamist said although U.S. bombs had killed four Islamic terrorists, Belmokhtar was not among them.

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