National Post



TORONTO – Mohammed had been studying to be a lawyer for more than 4 years and failed a couple of qualifying exams. He was thinking of giving up on it and started to look for an alternativ­e career. So he started a business running health rehab centres with other partners. While he was looking for the right health products for his clients, he came across SAGEE and decided that he would try it himself. After three months of taking it, his confidence returned and he felt better concentrat­ion, better energy and better will power. So he continued to take the SAGEE and half a year later he passed his law exams and is now getting ready to practice law.

MISSISSAUG­A – A young U of T student was feeling stressed out and tired. He had to sometimes sleep 12 hours in order to feel rested enough to catch up with his work load. Also taking naps when coming home from school due to fatigue. But after using SAGEE for three months, he is now feeling fresh and healthy, with no need to over sleep or nap. He takes initiative­s in his studies and finds school more enjoyable and rewarding. He plans to continue using it until he finishes school.

MISSISSAUG­A – A woman in her seventies suffered insomnia for about 20 years. She would normally sleep very lightly for one to two hours a night with fatigue and dizziness in the day-time. After using one course of SAGEE for treatment, she started to feel sleepy around 9:30 pm and she could get into deep sleep around 11 pm. She could now sleep deeply until 3-4 am and get 4-5 hours of total deep sleep. Her fatigue and dizziness disappeare­d as well.

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