Moose Jaw



- Randy Palmer - Moose Jaw Express

Supporters of high school basketball in Moose Jaw are undoubtedl­y feeling a touch of deja vu at the moment, and not the good kind.

It was back in the spring of 2020 that high schools throughout the community were gearing up for the extravagan­za known as Hoopla, which brings the top four teams in the province from each division to a central location for a massive weekend of provincial championsh­ip basketball.

Thousands of athletes and supporters were a little more than a week away from descending on the city when things suddenly came to a grinding halt.

The Saskatchew­an Teachers’ Federation had decided their impasse in contract QHJRWLDWLR­QV KDG RI¿FLDOO\ UHDFKHG D KHDG and as a result, they were withdrawin­g support of all extracurri­cular activities -including high school sports.

That meant the regional basketball championsh­ips scheduled for that weekend were off, and it seemed extremely unlikely that Hoopla in Moose Jaw would be taking place.

Only a few days later, none of that mattered, as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold and shut down things all over the world.

Four years later, Moose Jaw is once again set to host Hoopla. And as in 2020, WKH 67) DQG WKH JRYHUQPHQW ¿QG WKHPselves at an impasse in contract negotiatio­ns, resulting in postponeme­nts and cancellati­ons of high school sports in Moose Jaw and beyond.

The latest round of action announced Thursday afternoon has led to the cancellati­on of all extracurri­culars for Tuesday and Wednesday next week, delivering a hard hit to the MJHSAA senior boys and girls basketball leagues.

Job action the previous week had seen a slate of seven regular-season games cancelled outright, and with the most recent MURXQG WKH OHDJXH VHPL¿QDOV VFKHGXOHG IRU Tuesday have now also been postponed.

Vanier and Central were to play off in both the boys and girls divisions, as were Peacock and Swift Current, with the winQHUV DGYDQFLQJ WR WKH OHDJXH ¿QDO RQ 0DU 11.

Now, all that is up in the air -- but the news isn’t all bad.

League commission­er Stephane Gauvin was hard at work immediatel­y after the announceme­nt on Thursday, contacting coaches for all eight teams and putting together a rescheduli­ng plan.

How that’ll look remains the main TXHVWLRQ HVSHFLDOO\ LI IXUWKHU MRE DFWLRQ takes place, but as of now the plan is to get the games in as soon as possible in order to keep things as close to on schedule as they can.

7KH FLW\ ¿QDOV DUH VFKHGXOHG IRU 7XHVday, Mar. 11, with regionals during the Mar. 15 weekend and Hoopla slated for Mar. 21-23.

Be sure to keep an eye on www. moosejawto­ for updates as they become available.

Back Row: Lance Santos (Basketball - VCI), Elias Yuke (Basketball - RVCI), Josiah Poettcker (Basketball - BCS), Mukungu Mutabazi (Basketball - AEP), Chase Seaborn (Basketball - CCI), Kate Waldenberg­er (Basketball - VCI). Front Row: Kai Houghton (Basketball - AEP), Madison Spilchuk (Basketball - BCA), Cole Benallick (Basketball CCS), Megan Dusomme (Basketball - CCI), Jenna Adams (Basketball - CCS). Missing: Hailey Hutchinson (RVCI)

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 ?? ?? The Moose Jaw High Schools Athletic Associatio­n senior girls and boys basketball leagues were to have played WKHLU VHPL¿QDOV RQ 7XHVGD\ QLJKW EXW games have been postponed due to the STF job action.
The Moose Jaw High Schools Athletic Associatio­n senior girls and boys basketball leagues were to have played WKHLU VHPL¿QDOV RQ 7XHVGD\ QLJKW EXW games have been postponed due to the STF job action.

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