Moose Jaw

Public Library collects readers for National Literacy Day

- Larissa Kurz Readers took over tables and chairs all over the main floor of the Public Library for National Literacy Day. (supplied)

The Public Library recently hosted a “read-in” to demonstrat­e just how many Moose Javians value National Literacy Day and what it means.

As a visual demonstrat­ion, the Moose Jaw Literacy Assoc. wanted to show how many people find literacy to be an important topic.

After picking up some coffee or a snack, the group took to any chair they could find and spent 15 minutes quietly reading whatever material they chose. Books, magazines, graphic novels — if you have to read it, it counted. Children’s librarian Tina Dolcetti emphasized the important role that reading skills play in cognitive developmen­t, in children but also in adults as well.

“A kid that can read on-time and has their reading levels where they should be, has a higher level of success in achieving what they would like out of their life,” said Dolcetti. “Reading is important for adults too, it helps gain more employment skills, and learn things to keep up to date.” Reading builds on cognition skills like vocabulary, problem-solving, and memory, as well as less obvious skills like being able to focus. Any type of material that requires reading comprehens­ion can build on these skills — print books, magazines, newspapers, comics, ebooks, and so on.

National Literacy Day is meant to highlight the benefits of reading and encourage everyone, of all ages, to include more reading into their daily routine. Dolcetti feels the same and revealed that all it would take is 15 minutes each day to build those literacy skills.

“If you can set aside time for a 15-minute coffee break, you can take 15 minutes for some reading too,” said Dolcetti.

The read-in went well enough that the Public Library is hoping to make it an annual event for National Literacy Day, so keep an eye on the calendar and start thinking about what you’d like to read next September.

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