Moose Jaw

A Christmas Truce


It happened over 100 years ago... there are those who still deny it to this day but somehow newspapers, photograph­s and letters all told the same true story. The Christmas Truce of 1914 during World War 1 really happened. It is believed it began a few days before the “night the angels sang.” When either side could’ve popped off their enemies with a single shot as they recovered bodies between the cold and muddy trenches, the snipers however it is estimated that nearly 100,000 British and German (and some French) troops took part in the trenches while decorating small Christmas trees. Soon, the British followed along. The troops even exchanged gifts such as pencils, tobacco and badges. In some areas, it lasted until New Year’s Day. The following Christmas in 1915, although there were rumors to renew the truce, there were warnings by the British to refrain from befriendin­g the enemy. However, a few groups of men still gathered to sing and exchange gifts. Again the next year, although it seemed neither was willing to let up, there was still record of some who had a Christmas Day truce once again. What an amazing testimony to the true surrender of the human spirit. What an amazing testimony of the power of Christmas! I can’t begin to imagine what kind of risk it would’ve taken to trust that the enemy would lay down their arms as well. This makes me think of a few things... must’ve had. I sometimes wonder if another world war were to hit, would we be as determined and dependable to also see the power that Christmas really has over people... even enemies. True, many families today don’t assemble due to bitterness and unforgiven­ess, strife or relational discord; however, many, although they have family issues, still gather at this special time to be together. A Christmas Truce of sorts may be had. I also think of these dear warriors in the trenches, lonely, and far from comfortabl­e conditions... and far from those they love... their comrades and the enemy on both sides. What an amazing true story; a part of our history and a part of our fabric weaved throughout our nation and beyond! God provided for us to receive the Ultimate Christmas Truce! He loved us SO much that He sent His ONLY Son to die and take on our punishment; “He became sin, who knew no sin that we could be made right with God loving us in our muck and mire, and providing a way out of the trenches. God gave us The Gift... the Ultimate Truce... that we can have freedom through Jesus! Wow... the Ultimate Christmas Truce. I pray that this will be the real reason for the season. He bought and paid for your gift of salvation... and eternity with Him! Scripture references: 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Cor. 15:57

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