Montreal Gazette

Skilled ministers handling family reunificat­ion file

Quebec's Fréchette, feds' Miller have empathetic sides that will be useful with this emotionall­y charged issue

- TOM MULCAIR Tom Mulcair, a former leader of the federal NDP, served as minister of the environmen­t in the Quebec Liberal government of Jean Charest.

The latest brush fire on the language and immigratio­n front has begun, over the issue of family reunificat­ion. It's unfortunat­e that something as basic and fundamenta­lly human as reuniting families has become a political flashpoint.

Despite their opposing views at the outset of this skirmish, we're blessed to have two of the smartest and best-equipped ministers in Ottawa and Quebec City stickhandl­ing this tricky file.

Provincial Immigratio­n Minister Christine Fréchette is not the shoot-from-the-lip type. Unlike Simon Jolin-barrette and Jean-françois Roberge, she doesn't seek political advantage from these emotional and sometimes divisive issues. She's thoughtful, open and informed. The fact that she's digging in her heels on this one should be read as a sign of the difficulti­es ahead.

Federal Immigratio­n Minister Marc Miller continues to impress. He can be brutally candid, even at the expense of solidarity with colleagues. In his frank assessment of the gong show he inherited when he was handed the immigratio­n portfolio last year, he showed a rare willingnes­s to call a spade a spade.

Miller, like Fréchette, has an empathetic and progressiv­e side to his political work. In his previous role with First Nations, he removed the logjam holding back indemnitie­s to those who had suffered discrimina­tion at the hands of the Canadian government. He made deals and settled legal cases. Ottawa paid out billions. He is strong and decisive with a good moral compass.

Fréchette had a background in business administra­tion before entering politics. She has a great deal of expertise in internatio­nal affairs and famously walked away from the Parti Québécois in 2014 because of her heartfelt opposition to its infamous Charter of Values. She simply quit her high-level job as then-internatio­nal relations minister Jean-françois Lisée's deputy chief of staff knowing it was going to be a key element of the impending election campaign. She left with dignity. A rare combinatio­n of class and principle.

Family reunificat­ion includes giving immigratio­n authorizat­ions to spouses. This is personally important to me. When Catherine and I got engaged 50 years ago, we had the certainty that she'd have her necessary papers to stay in Canada when we got married. Right now, in Quebec, it can take several years (and many tears) to get that authorizat­ion, which simply makes no human or public policy sense.

It interferes in people's lives, but it's also self-defeating. Reuniting with someone already here, who knows our society and its workings, is the best road to successful integratio­n.

That said, it is going to be a battle royal. Quebec City will claim that Ottawa's decision to allow more family reunificat­ions than its own quotas would permit is a breach of the rules between the two orders of government. That is false, but it doesn't mean that Quebec doesn't have a point.

Yes, when the newest agreement on immigratio­n was brought in several years ago, Ottawa jealously held onto authority over family reunificat­ions. Quebec kept the big end of the stick for economic immigratio­n categories. Unfortunat­ely, that neat distinctio­n no longer settles everything, as ballooning numbers of arrivals in all categories — including temporary workers, students and asylum seekers — have thrown everything out of whack.

Miller, of course, knows this. There is tremendous pressure on Justin Trudeau's Liberals from well-establishe­d, and well-connected, cultural communitie­s whose support they desperatel­y need in the next election. Stalling reunificat­ions is a great way to motivate people against you. They say that all politics is local. Nowhere is that more true than in the immigratio­n file. Premier François Legault seems to have been desperatel­y seeking subjects on which he can disagree with Ottawa, the better to shore up his sagging popularity with nationalis­ts. Quebec's reputation can ill afford another self-inflicted black eye. Let's hope the planned meeting between Trudeau and the premier can help find a human solution.

 ?? PIERRE OBENDRAUF/FILES ?? Unlike some of her colleagues, Quebec Immigratio­n Minister Christine Fréchette doesn't seek political advantage from divisive issues, writes Tom Mulcair, adding that federal Immigratio­n Minister Marc Miller has a good moral compass.
PIERRE OBENDRAUF/FILES Unlike some of her colleagues, Quebec Immigratio­n Minister Christine Fréchette doesn't seek political advantage from divisive issues, writes Tom Mulcair, adding that federal Immigratio­n Minister Marc Miller has a good moral compass.
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