Montreal Gazette

City is a mix of euphoria and anxiety


The virus is waning and we’re hungry for humanity, after many weeks spent cooped up.

As restrictio­ns lift and we stumble from our homes, the mood in Montreal is a strange mix of euphoria and anxiety.

With the virus still in the air, the more freedoms we get, the more complicate­d life becomes. For example:

Some friends dropped by our front patio last week, now that we can have small gatherings. So we put out some six-foot distant chairs and served socially-responsibl­e snacks.

I carefully used paper towels to carry out seven germ-free wine glasses and a bowl of chips — then only handled the wine bottle myself.

But as time went by some people lost track of whose glasses were whose — and someone mistakenly handled the bottle, instead of asking me.

At first everyone pecked carefully at the chips, careful not to touch adjacent ones. But gradually they got blasé and took small handfuls, risking touching chips that someone else’s finger might have grazed.

I don’t think we killed anyone, but next time we’ll have small bags of chips for each person and plastic cups they can write their names on.

I’m also looking for an iphone app that tracks DNA contact on potato chips.

In our longing to be togetherbu­t-apart, we’re getting creative. Drive-in movies are taking off so people can enjoy a crowd — in their own private, germ-protected steel bubble.

Music promoters plan to hold a hundred drive-in concerts featuring Quebec stars, held in parking lots that fit 350 cars.

In Quebec City, someone’s opened an old-fashioned drive-in restaurant where they hook your tray onto the windows like the 1950s. It won’t be long before we see masked waitresses on roller skates.

What next: Can we turn the Big O into a giant drive-in symphony hall and invite the MSO to perform a socially distanced Debussy?

You can find fabulous free entertainm­ent if you look. Last Thursday, biking under the Jacques-cartier Bridge we spotted some 30 people clustered together, barely three feet apart.

They were all staring in awe at the distant spray of a humpback whale from Tadoussac who’s been touring the St. Lawrence River in recent days.

It’s the talk of the town, a unifying almost symbolic sight that’s touched people deeply, like a dove flying through the window.

People were chatting away to strangers about the magnificen­ce of the whale’s arrival — partly because it’s a reminder that nature has a wondrous side, as well as a lethal one.

But also because we desperatel­y need to talk about anything other than COVID. We need to rediscover small talk with strangers again and chat about nothing at all.

Playing individual sports is now allowed, but that, too, is a complex dance. I can play singles tennis, but under government rules we must use two sets of balls, one for each player — with our initials scribbled on every ball.

So when I play with Jack Eberowski and see a ball nearby with the initials J.E. I can’t pick it up. I must kick it over to his side of the court and keep looking for one saying J.F.

I tried this recently and we spent more time peering down at our messily scribbled initials and looking for the right balls than we did playing tennis.

Eventually we decided to ignore the rule and take the infinitesi­mally small chance of catching COVID by tennis ball — as did every last person on the other seven courts.

The fact is we are losing our sense of alarm as the sun warms and the virus cools. We are starting to close our emails with “cheers,” instead of “stay safe.” Some of us have stopped quarantini­ng our mail for 24 hours and now just open it.

I admit I don’t always wash my hands two full “Happy Birthdays” anymore, 10 times a day. Sometimes I find myself cutting corners and singing a little faster, like an orthodox rabbi racing through prayers.

If you could hear me it would sound like this:

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you.

Our desire to come together is also exemplifie­d by the protests against police racism and the horrible killing of George Floyd.

The TV images are a deeply moving, but strange sight where pandemic masks mix with political protest. In the U.S. and Canada, the gatherings have literally brought people together, often too close for safety.

But those protesting feel social change is more important than social distancing and they’re willing to risk their health in solidarity with the black community.

Newscasts say the protests continue “despite” the virus, but I think the isolation of the pandemic has helped us all feel our common humanity — and demand everyone have equal opportunit­y to breathe the same freedoms. So go out and join the protests, or just try to find that whale. Our city always comes alive during spring, but this year is special — and we don’t know when a second wave of COVID might return.

Carpe diem — seize the day! Whatever happens there are only 198 days left till winter. joshfreed4­

 ?? ALLEN MCINNIS ?? Montrealer­s are carefully starting to emerge from isolation as restrictio­ns ease.
ALLEN MCINNIS Montrealer­s are carefully starting to emerge from isolation as restrictio­ns ease.
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