Montreal Gazette

DND employees to move again


OTTAWA • Another major move of Defence department employees and Canadian military personnel is being planned, this time shifting workers from multiple office locations in Gatineau and Ottawa into the downtown headquarte­rs at 101 Colonel By Dr.

The planned move is the result of the domino effect created by the exodus of Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces staff from the Major-General G. R. Pearkes Building at 101 Colonel By Dr. to the department’s new headquarte­rs on Carling Avenue in the former Nortel complex.

That shift of employees to Carling Avenue will leave the Pearkes Building 60 per cent empty by the end of next year, so the federal government will start repopulati­ng it with DND employees now in other offices in Ottawa and Gatineau.

“We are currently working with Public Services and Procuremen­t Canada to assess the scope of the project and develop the implementa­tion plan,” DND spokesman Dan Le Bouthillie­r said. “It is too early in the process to determine timelines or costs. Details on the implementa­tion and project schedules have yet to be finalized.”

DND and the regular Canadian Forces have around 17,400 personnel at more than 40 locations in Ottawa and Gatineau.

As DND employees move out of 101 Colonel By to the Carling Avenue headquarte­rs, the vacant space will be renovated, at which point employees from other department locations can move in. DND officials, however, caution that such renovation­s could take several years.

The full scope of work and costing for the project will be determined over the next 12 to 18 months.

Bouthillie­r said the final number of staff who would work from 101 Colonel By had yet to be determined. It is estimated the building can accommodat­e approximat­ely 4,500 employees.

By the end of next year, when the move of staff is completed to the Carling Avenue headquarte­rs, there will be around 1,675 employees left at the Colonel By location.

Some minor renovation­s have already taken place in certain parts of the Colonel By building. For example, some “executive non-assigned areas” have been created, Le Bouthillie­r said. These are essentiall­y temporary work spaces for employees who have moved to the Carling Avenue campus, but sometimes require basic work spaces if they are downtown for meetings.

The federal government spent $800 million acquiring and outfitting the former Nortel complex in the west end for DND needs.

By the end of December, DND estimates almost 8,000 staff will be working from the Carling Avenue headquarte­rs. The third and final phase for that move will start in the new year, with 1,300 more staff sent to that location. The campus consists of about 28 hectares once owned by Nortel and 120 hectares leased from the National Capital Commission.

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