Montreal Gazette


Encouragin­g a new generation of tradespeop­le to enter the workforce is important to keep momentum going


With Internatio­nal Women’s Day just behind us, and Skills Ontario and Skills Canada competitio­ns coming up in the next few months, it felt like a good time to talk about encouragin­g the next generation to take up the mantle to give the trades a try.

Did you know that Canada is facing an estimated shortage of skilled trades workers? It’s true; the old guard is set to retire in the next few years, and without enough new workers coming in to replace them, we could be facing serious setbacks to our Canadian infrastruc­ture.

The constructi­on industry builds the world around us. Our homes, schools, hospitals and our roads are driven by the trades. It’s important that we support people who have an interest in the trades so that as the current generation of tradespeop­le starts to retire we have new blood who are passionate about taking the reins. I learned from my dad. When I was growing up, I used to watch him as he worked, and I was so amazed by what he could accomplish. He took notice of my interest and started to teach me everything he knew. For me, the trades were an exciting place to be — and now I’ve been part of this wonderful industry for decades.

I love that my kids got involved in the trades, too (though it helped that I’m their dad), and it’s even better that they’ve joined my crew. But not every kid is going to have that advantage and it’s just as important to encourage anyone with an interest in the trades to explore it as a viable career option — no matter their age.

You can make a good living in the trades — and it’s an exciting field to work in. I know I’ve never had two days that are quite the same. And I love that at the end of a tough job, I can take a step back and look at what I’ve built, see the joy on homeowners’ faces and know that I’ve been able to help make their idea a reality. It’s hard to beat that kind of job satisfacti­on.

I love organizati­ons like Skills Canada because they provide valuable hands on experience for high school students to try a trade and figure out if it’s a career path they want to pursue. My daughter, Sherry, used to resist my encouragem­ent to join the trades, but once I convinced her to try it out with us (on our New Orleans job), she fell in love with it. Now she’s flourishin­g as a member of my crew (and she’s my go-to tiler to boot).

Skills Canada focuses on educating students about a wide variety of trades and creating the next generation of leaders in those fields. They’ve got the ones you’ll likely think of immediatel­y like carpentry, plumbing and welding, but did you know that hairstylin­g, cooking and fashion are also part of the skilled trades? There really is something for everyone, so why not give it a look and see what interests you?

My biggest piece of advice for young people looking into the trades is to understand that it’s not an easy job. I don’t like seeing people treat the trades as a fallback career, because it takes a lot of time, dedication and education to master a trade. Being a tradespers­on takes many skills — you need communicat­ion, patience and the ability to think 10 steps ahead. It’s not for the faint of heart — but if you’re passionate about it, you’ll have a career for life. My dad taught me that if you’re going to do it, you need to do it right the first time. It’s something that I work to teach my apprentice­s.

If I’ve got one call to action, it’s that I want to see parents and guardians of our newest generation of kids encourage them to keep an open mind when it comes to the trades. And if you’re thinking of making a career change, the skilled trades are a great place to be, no matter your age. I’ve seen lawyers walk away from their field to pick up a hammer and they’ve never been happier.

Watch Mike Holmes in his series, Holmes Makes It Right, on HGTV. For more informatio­n, visit makeitrigh­

 ?? SKILLS CANADA ?? Canada is facing a shortage of skilled trades workers, so it’s important to encourage young people to pursue a career in the trades, Mike Holmes says.
SKILLS CANADA Canada is facing a shortage of skilled trades workers, so it’s important to encourage young people to pursue a career in the trades, Mike Holmes says.
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