Montreal Gazette

Canadiens are lacking a team identity this season


The one thing you could say about the Canadiens over the past five seasons is the team had an identity.

Marc Bergevin believed in building from the goal and, as long as Carey Price was healthy and there was a strong group of defencemen, the team was going to win more games than it lost. There was also the hope the Canadiens could catch lightning in a bottle and make a deep run in the playoffs.

The teams were boring on their best nights and each year there was the suggestion this team was only one strong centre away from being great.

But the Canadiens team we’ve seen for most of this season has no identity and it appears to be headed to the same fate as the 2015-16 team that finished the season 13th in the Eastern Conference, 14 points out of a playoff spot.

There was an excuse that season because Price played only 12 games before he was sidelined with a knee injury. He had a 10-2-0 record, a 2.06 goalsagain­st average and a .934 save percentage. The consequenc­es of that injury are still being felt today. If Price doesn’t get hurt, the Canadiens make the playoffs and there was no reason to target P.K. Subban as the scapegoat.

But that’s ancient history. The team’s current problem can’t be blamed on Price because he wasn’t very good before he developed the mysterious “minor” lower-body injury, which is becoming a major concern. He hasn’t played in three weeks and hasn’t been on the ice for a week.

Rookie Charlie Lindgren has performed beyond expectatio­ns, but the Canadiens’ recent homestand, which finished with a 2-3-1 record after a 6-0 drubbing by the Maple Leafs on Saturday, left no doubt this team is in deep trouble and there is no simple solution.

The decline began in the spring when the New York Rangers eliminated the Canadiens in the first round of the playoffs. There wasn’t enough offence and Bergevin made that a priority and traded his No. 1 defensive prospect, Mikhail Sergachev, for Jonathan Drouin. I suspect this is a trade that will haunt the Canadiens for years because Sergachev is a stud and defencemen with his combinatio­n of size and skill don’t often come along.

As for Drouin, he’s a valuable addition. He’s young, talented and, as a bonus, he’s a francophon­e. But there are a couple of problems with the acquisitio­n. For starters, the Canadiens might have overpaid for a player who was a spare part in Tampa. He had a great playoff run two years ago and filled in admirably last year when Steven Stamkos was injured. But he’s not a gamechange­r and he’s on pace for another 50-point season. Not bad, but not great, either.

It might help if he had a better supporting cast. When the Canadiens acquired Drouin, they had Alex Radulov, but the talented Russian bolted to Dallas after he became a free agent. Drouin has been learning to play centre again — his faceoffs are a disaster — and Claude Julien is trying to find wingers who can complement his skills. Most recently, he has gone with Drouin between Max Pacioretty and Alex Galchenyuk. How’s that going — the Canadiens are 1-7-1 when those guys are together.

In every game, Drouin makes a play that leaves you wondering. How did he see that pass? How did he find room between those defenders? But those plays haven’t resulted in an improved offence. Last season, the Canadiens ranked 15th in the NHL with 2.72 goals a game. This time around, scoring is up across the league, but Montreal is 28th with 2.41 goals a game.

But this brings us back to the question of identity. This is a team that was built on goaltendin­g and defence, but the defence was gutted over the past six months. There are arguments to be made for not bringing Andrei Markov back, although it’s sad it came down to a battle of wills between two stubborn guys. Alexei Emelin, Nathan Beaulieu, Mark Barberio, Greg Pateryn and Sergachev were all deemed expendable, but can we say the defence is as good as it was last year?

Maybe Price will come back and be the best goaltender in the world and maybe the Canadiens will limp into the playoffs — they are only five points back — but this season is looking more like a demolition project than a rebuild.

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Jonathan Drouin
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