Montreal Gazette

Young man struggles to re-establish family ties


At the end of February, Benjamin’s son will be turning two, he said.

But his son’s mother contests his paternity, Benjamin said, and as a result he has yet to meet the toddler. In the next month, he will be heading to court to seek a DNA test.

“It’s very hard, but I’m trying to battle through it,” said the 28-year-old, who has anxiety issues.

He said that a few years ago, he lost the support of his family, who kicked him out under the belief that it would be better to let him work things out on his own.

“They cut the support out from under my feet, and I never really got my feet back under me,” Benjamin said. “They want me to figure it out on my own, I guess, but it’s hard when you don’t have much support.”

With only a high-school diploma, he works full time at a grocery store. Hockey, a passion of his, has now become a luxury he can’t afford. Instead, he said he spends most of his free time alone.

Benjamin said despite the problems he and his son’s mother face, he is still hopeful that things can turn around and their relationsh­ip can be repaired.

“Everything happens for a reason, so I’m just trying to be patient,” he said.

Benjamin is one of thousands who will receive $125 from the annual Montreal Gazette Christmas Fund, which helps people through the winter season.

He said the money will help him pay the bills as he continues to try to repair his relationsh­ip with his family and his son’s mother.

“I just hope things will work out.”

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