Montreal Gazette

Democracy bonus hard to justify


Unsatisfie­d with your democratic franchise? Want to really make a difference? Head north, young Ontarian.

The massive provincial ridings of Kenora-Rainy River and Timmins-James Bay, in the province’s far north, have population­s of 73,000 and 76,000, respective­ly. That’s just two-thirds of the provincial average of 110,000 — a significan­t if not unique … improvemen­t, shall we say, on the bedrock principle of one vote per citizen. And this week, as part of ongoing efforts to spiff up Ontario’s democracy, Attorney General Yasir Naqvi announced further “improvemen­ts” in the far north. If the legislatur­e approves, as of the 2018 election it will have two more ridings.

Naqvi acted on advice from the Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission (which was mandated to add at least one riding). Its proposed realignmen­t would see Kenora-Rainy River lose 20,000 people, leaving its voters with a 52 per cent democracy bonus. Timmins would lose 25,000, for a 62 per cent bonus. The new riding of Kiiwetinoo­ng, with a population of just 33,000, would enjoy a 70 per cent advantage. And Ontario’s new champion supervoter­s would be in Mushkegowu­k, where one ballot would be worth 1.73.

Representa­tion by population isn’t set in stone. We fiddle with it all the time, for all kinds of reasons — geographic, linguistic, socioecono­mic, historic. That’s the case here: the commission considered the vast territory involved, with its communicat­ion and transporta­tion challenges, and the needs of francophon­e communitie­s and First Nations, including their languages and dialects.

But the generally accepted variance limit when taking such things into account is 25 per cent — and that was establishe­d pre-Internet, when communicat­ion was in many cases a much bigge r hurdle. The commission proposes to nearly triple that, and the case it makes for doing so is muddled at best.

“In our view, enhanced political representa­tion for Indigenous peoples in Ontario’s political system is a necessary component of the broader movement toward reconcilia­tion,” writes commission chair Joyce Pelletier, a Thunder Bay judge.

She does not quite explain why the commission­ers think that. The Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission made 94 recommenda­tions. Giving Indigenous Canadians superballo­ts in provincial elections wasn’t one of them.

Pelletier notes “the history of Indigenous suffrage is … part of a broader discussion of issues relating to exclusion, inclusion … selfdeterm­ination and sovereignt­y, and the concept of citizenshi­p” — which is true, of course. There’s precedent in New Zealand for giving Indigenous citizens their own seats in parliament, and the commission urges the province to examine such an arrangemen­t (while acknowledg­ing not all Indigenous Ontarians would necessaril­y want it, their primary-to-sole focus being in Ottawa).

But the precedent for enfranchis­ing previously disenfranc­hised people — women, notably — is generally to give them the vote, not 1.25 or 1.5 or 1.75 votes. And what the commission proposes isn’t a half-measure on the way to specific Indigenous seats, but simply a tangent. It does nothing for any Indigenous Ontarian not living in the far north.

Franco-Ontarians were never disenfranc­hised, yet the report folds their concerns into the Indigenous ones: it observes that one riding would be 87 per cent Indigenous or francophon­e, as if this were some kind of democratic milestone. And while Kiiwetinoo­ng would be 68 per cent Indigenous, and Mushkegowu­k 60 per cent francophon­e, this proposal gives the non-Indigenous and non-francophon­e majorities in the other ridings the same superballo­t. Why?

In theory, it could be justified on geographic grounds. Sarah Campbell, the MPP for Kenora-Rainy River, told the commission she only has the budget to tour the far north twice a year. Gilles Bisson, the MPP for Timmins-James Bay, famously flies his own plane around to visit his constituen­ts — a time-consuming and costly undertakin­g.

But the new Mushkegowu­k and Kiiwetinoo­ng ridings would still be gargantuan, stretching from Hudson Bay to Timmins and Kenora, respective­ly. To function properly, those ridings would require vastly greater constituen­cy resources than their southern and urban counterpar­ts, just as they do now.

So give them the resources and be done with it. Effective representa­tion does not hinge on the number of times one’s MPP touches down in one’s little village, and surely two more MPPs will be of little use solving the area’s “significan­t challenges for transporta­tion, communicat­ion and election administra­tion.”

(The report helpfully provides proof of concept: “All 11 northern MPPs were invited to a meeting held on May 29, 2017. (Bisson) was the only MPP to attend, though others sent staff members.” Eureka!)

To be fair, it wasn’t the commission’s idea to further enhance representa­tion for Indigenous Ontarians who live in the north, thereby weakening everyone else’s. That was its mandate from the government. I would have a tough time justifying it, too, and so might the government if it ends up defending the move in court.

It’s especially ironic to see NDP MPPs like Bisson and Campbell supporting this, considerin­g the party’s fervent support for proportion­al representa­tion. Any superballo­t is a move in the opposite direction. Superballo­ts rewarded as apologies for past mistreatme­nt are an invitation to democratic incoherenc­e.

 ?? KATHLEEN CHARLEBOIS/DAILY MINER AND NEWS/POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Joyce Pelletier, chair of the Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission, says “enhanced political representa­tion” is needed for Indigenous reconcilia­tion.
KATHLEEN CHARLEBOIS/DAILY MINER AND NEWS/POSTMEDIA NEWS Joyce Pelletier, chair of the Far North Electoral Boundaries Commission, says “enhanced political representa­tion” is needed for Indigenous reconcilia­tion.
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