Montreal Gazette

Security checks: the price we pay for safety

Unfortunat­ely, we cannot go back to the way it was, Phil Gurski writes.

- Phil Gurski is a former strategic analyst with CSIS. His latest book, The Lesser Jihads, is now available for pre-order on Amazon.­ves

Canada Day 150 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa was a bit of a wash, if you consider the weather. Still, there was the usual display of facepaint Maple Leafs, Canadian flag capes and T-shirts with Canada-themed logos. We may be a diffident people, wearing our nationalit­y with some hesitation on our sleeves, but when we do, we do it well.

Or, mostly well. This year’s commemorat­ion in Ottawa was seen as a washout by some, and not just because of the rain.

A lot of complaints were registered regarding what many saw as inefficien­t and shoddily organized security on Parliament Hill. Lines were long, directions were not clear and food was nonexisten­t once you (eventually) got through.

Was this all necessary? Why all the security? After all, many previous Canada Days have gone over with little inconvenie­nce and people were free to move wherever they wanted. Why can’t we go back to the way it was? Because a lot has changed. Not only did we see a terrorist attack 2½ years ago right in the centre of our symbol of democracy — when Michael Zehaf-Bibeau tried to cause more mayhem in Centre Block after having shot and killed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial — but we have seen a series of lethal attacks around the world in which large crowds were targeted. Manchester. London. Paris. Brussels. The list goes on. And it is highly likely that this phenomenon will not disappear any time soon.

Terrorist groups extol these kinds of actions on their websites and in their social media posts. Wannabe extremists are advised to hit where they can with what they have. If you can build a bomb (Manchester), great. If you can’t, get in a car and run people over (Nice, Westminste­r Bridge, Berlin Christmas market). Or grab a knife (West Bank, London Bridge — this last one combined a vehicle and knives). Or a hammer (Paris). We are entering the world of Canadian Tire terrorism where the tool of choice is in the hardware aisle.

In the face of this, what do we want our security services and law enforcemen­t agencies to do? Ignore the threat, then blame them when something happens? Layer on onerous security, and blame them when it becomes inconvenie­nt?

Some would argue there was nothing to suggest that the threat level in Canada was higher on July 1 than it has been for a few years.

ITAC, the Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre — which is responsibl­e for setting the national barometer — did not change it for Canada Day, which suggests there was no intelligen­ce, no specific threat that our spies had uncovered or that online jihadis had promised. No, this is, unfortunat­ely, the new normal.

A lot has changed since 9/11. We used to cross the U.S. border with a smile and a wave. We used to get on planes with all kinds of stuff in our carry-on luggage. We used to not think twice about heading to places off the beaten path. Terrorism has changed all that.

We must not give in to fear and hence hand a victory to a very small group of violent extremists.

But at the same time, we have to accept that security is with us to stay and that deep inside we want to both feel safe and to know that the agencies responsibl­e are taking their tasks seriously and doing their utmost to keep us safe.

We are not in Kansas anymore and we are not likely to get back there. So the next time you grumble about security lines, remember two things: The folks doing the checking are working for us and, despite what you may think, we continue to live in the greatest, and one of the safest, countries on Earth.

We are entering the world of Canadian Tire terrorism where the tool of choice is in the hardware aisle.

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