Montreal Gazette

Corriveau faces sentencing in sponsorshi­p scandal

A look at his role in sponsorshi­p scandal as he awaits sentencing


Former federal Liberal party organizer Jacques Corriveau is expected to learn today the price he will have to pay for helping “the cause.”

The 83-year-old St-Bruno resident who supported former prime minister Jean Chrétien for decades — in particular, by helping him become federal Liberal leader in 1990 — is scheduled to be sentenced for his role in the sponsorshi­p scandal.

On Nov. 1, a jury at the Montreal courthouse found Corriveau guilty of influence peddling to defraud the government, producing fake documents and laundering the proceeds of crime.

During sentencing arguments in November, the Crown reminded Superior Court Justice JeanFranço­is Buffoni that Corriveau committed his crimes over a long period — from 1997 to 2003 — and asked that he serve a prison term of up to five years. Defence lawyer Gérald Soulière argued for a sentence that can be served in the community.

Here is some background on the scandal and Corriveau’s role:


With support for Quebec’s separation from Canada on the rise in the early 1990s, the Chrétien-led government decided to create a sponsorshi­p program intended to make it more visible in the province by sponsoring events. The federal government ended up spending $250 million on the program and an audit determined $100 million went to advertisin­g and public relations firms that supported the federal Liberal party. The same audit determined $1.1 million was kicked back to the party’s Quebec wing.


Testimony heard in 2005 during the public inquiry into the scandal, headed by Justice John Gomery, depicted Corriveau as a key figure who helped co-ordinate how funds went from the program to companies like Pluridesig­n Canada Inc., a company Corriveau had founded decades ago. During his trial, Corriveau was alleged to have pocketed more than $6 million from the program. But one witness who testified during the Gomery Commission highlighte­d the importance Corriveau also placed on funnelling money to help pay off the debt of the party’s Quebec wing. The witness said Corriveau referred to it as “the cause.”

During sentencing arguments in November, Crown prosecutor Jacques Dagenais focused on Corriveau’s key role in the scheme, and said he was “one of the first to set up the mechanisms” under which it worked. The prosecutor reminded Buffoni of one of the more memorable quotes to come out of the Gomery Commission. Charles Guité, the civil servant who was in charge of the program, told the inquiry that just before he was introduced to Corriveau, in 1994, David Dingwall, a minister in the Chrétien government, told him: “If ever you find somebody in bed between Jean Chrétien and his wife, it will be Jacques Corriveau.”

Daniel Dezainde, the former director general of the Liberal party’s Quebec wing, testified at both the trial and the Gomery Commission. According to Gomery’s report, Dezainde was perhaps the person who revealed the most about Corriveau’s role in setting up the kickback scheme’s structure. Dezainde told the commission that, during a lunch at Magnan’s Tavern in August 2001, Corriveau admitted he was the person who had organized how funds from the program would help pay down the Quebec wing’s $3-million debt.


While testifying before the Gomery Commission in April 2005, Corriveau was asked point blank if Chrétien knew anything about the scheme and he replied: “No. Absolutely not.”

Corriveau’s ties to Chrétien were not a factor in his jury trial, but their relationsh­ip was the subject of many questions during the Gomery Commission.

Corriveau, an interior designer who enjoyed success in designing furniture for Expo 67 and for Montreal’s Olympic Village in 1976, first met Chrétien during a trade mission to Iran in 1976. At the time, Chrétien was minister of industry, trade and commerce in Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s government, and Corriveau had been doing volunteer work for the Liberal party since 1972.

“(Chrétien) became a friend, a very good friend,” Corriveau told the Gomery Commission in April 2005. But he later tried to downplay the statement by adding that, between 1997 and 2003, he had met with the prime minister “rarely. Once or twice a year.” He went on to explain that, in his opinion, close friends “meet between 15 to 20 times a year.”


Corriveau’s loyalty to Chrétien was evident as far back as 1986 when, as vice-president of the Liberal party’s Quebec wing, he led a very public campaign to have John Turner ousted as leader of the party. Corriveau’s support for Chrétien left other Liberal organizers perplexed. Another vice-president for the party went so far as to call Corriveau “a fanatic.” Three months later, the Liberals voted to keep Turner as leader during a national convention held in Ottawa. Chrétien eventually replaced Turner as leader, in 1990, after the Liberals lost the general election in 1988.

In 1989, three years after sticking his neck out for Chrétien, Corriveau hired his adopted son, Michel, to work at his design company. His employment there did not last long as, in 1992, Michel Chrétien was sentenced to a three-year prison term for sexually assaulting a woman in Montreal.

During the 1997 election, won by the Chrétien-led Liberals, Corriveau’s company invoiced the party more than $900,000 to produce all of its printed election material used in Quebec. The party was Pluridesig­n’s biggest client. The Gomery Commission also revealed that Corriveau was able to get Chrétien on the phone, through the Prime Minister’s Office, 30 times between 1996 and 2003.


During sentencing arguments in November, Soulière said there is another side to Corriveau, and asked Buffoni to consider Corriveau’s volunteer work with cultural organizati­ons, including a few involved in supporting classical music.

In his report, Gomery noted that Corriveau likes to remind people about that side of himself.

“Mr. Corriveau presents himself to the world and to the Commission as a refined and cultured man with a patrician air, interested in and supportive of the arts. He says that as a committed Liberal and as a matter of principle he has worked for 40 years on a gratuitous basis for the (Quebec wing of the Liberal party),” Gomery wrote.

But through the testimony given by one witness in particular, “the Commission learned that Mr. Corriveau was as much motivated by an appetite for financial gain as by principle.”

 ?? JOHN MAHONEY FILES ?? Jacques Corriveau, who helped Jean Chrétien become federal Liberal leader in 1990, was found guilty of producing fake documents and laundering the proceeds of crime as part of the sponsorshi­p scandal.
JOHN MAHONEY FILES Jacques Corriveau, who helped Jean Chrétien become federal Liberal leader in 1990, was found guilty of producing fake documents and laundering the proceeds of crime as part of the sponsorshi­p scandal.

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