Montreal Gazette


Building the right relationsh­ip with the right contractor is a learning curve


Years ago, when homeowners were faced with a renovation or repair — didn’t matter what it was — their first instinct was to call the one contractor they knew and trusted. Unfortunat­ely, you don’t see that kind of relationsh­ip between homeowners and contractor­s anymore, but this is the kind of relationsh­ip you want to be looking for.

It shouldn’t be any different from the relationsh­ip you have with your doctor or dentist, where they get to know you, your needs and your history to help you make better decisions for you, your home and your future. And building that kind of relationsh­ip with the right contractor is a lot like dating.

It comes down to trust, because you need to be able to trust this person’s advice for everything.

This is why the homeowner-contractor relationsh­ip is so important. Is the contractor qualified enough to give you ( a) the advice you need, ( b) all the right people you need, and ( c) do they know how to execute it all?

There’s going to be a learning curve. You must get to know the person that you’re possibly going to have a relationsh­ip with:

1. Ask the right questions

You want to understand your contractor’s limits, in terms of their expertise and skills, by asking the right questions. For example, how long have they been in the business for? Do they

know an HVAC guy? Do they work with licensed electricia­ns? The more questions you ask, the better. Get to know them, their capabiliti­es and limits. And part of that process is getting to know the people they’re affiliated with. You know the saying, you can tell who a person is by looking at their friends? Well, the same goes for contractor­s.

2. Know their friends

A really good contractor is going to tell you, “Well, I don’t know about that, but I know someone who does.” The right general contractor should be able to get you every single person you need to get any job done right, from licensed electricia­ns

and plumbers to architects and engineers.

Because the truth is even redoing kitchen will take many trades. Odds are it’s old — the electrical is old, the plumbing is old — and by just changing a few things, like the cabinets, it may not meet code.


Good contractor­s want to teach

The only way you can tell if contractor­s are good is if they explain everything. You can test them by saying that you’re thinking about doing your kitchen or finishing your basement ... What do you need to know? A good contractor is going to say, “First, we need to contact your local building department to know what’s code and what’s not; what we do and what permits we need, etc.” They will explain in detail what you need to do, rather than just say, “Oh, that job will cost you $ 50,000 or $ 20,000.” That’s not enough of an explanatio­n. You need to look for the teacher.

4. Take your time

Finding the right contractor is like finding the right partner. And once you think you’ve found that right person, you want to start building that trust. That’s key. If you can do that, you can call that person today, tomorrow, 10 years from now, even 20 years from now.

And finally ...

5. Trust your instincts. They never lie.

Remember the good, the bad and the ugly? Only the good contractor­s know how to build a long- lasting relationsh­ip with homeowners, because bad contractor­s are only interested in making money — they don’t know enough and they don’t care enough. They don’t have the desire to build a relationsh­ip. They just want to get in there, get out, and get the job done, whether it’s perfect or not. Their job is to make money. Those are the type of contractor­s you don’t want.

If you have good feelings about a contractor from day one, odds are it’s for a reason. Always trust your gut.

 ?? A L E X S C H U L D T Z / T H E H O L ME S G R O U P ?? The only way homeowners can tell if contractor­s are good is if they explain everything.
A L E X S C H U L D T Z / T H E H O L ME S G R O U P The only way homeowners can tell if contractor­s are good is if they explain everything.
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