Montreal Gazette


B. C. mayors’ proposal would pay for transit, lead to dynamic road- use tolls


Strictly speaking, the question before the voters is simply whether to raise the sales tax. But the broader impact would be to approve the plan it is intended to fund. And mobility pricing is an integral part of the plan. Andrew Coyne

British Columbia has long been a hotbed of democratic ferment and policy innovation. It is the province of referendum, recall and the country’s only truth in politics law. It led the nation in bringing in a broad- based carbon tax, using the revenues to slash income tax rates.

But the most interestin­g province in Canada may be about to outdo itself.

The Mayors’ Council, a group of Vancouver- area mayors, having lately settled on the means of financing their ambitious $ 7.5- billion transit plan — a half- a- percentage- point increase in the provincial sales tax, to be collected only within Metro Vancouver — will put the package to the region’s voters in a referendum next spring. As such,

The most interestin­g province in Canada may be about to outdo itself.

Lower Mainlander­s would have it within their power to bring about a revolution in public policy — three of them, in fact.

Oddly, the transit plan itself, the usual hodgepodge of subways, light rail and bus routes, is not among them. Consider, rather, these three “firsts:”

1. It would be the first time a proposal to increase taxes was put directly to voters in Canada, via a referendum or plebiscite. Voters have been asked to pass judgment on many things in our history, from conscripti­on to Prohibitio­n to daylight time, but never on tax increases. ( While two provinces, Manitoba and Ontario, have legislatio­n on their books requiring popular approval for any increase in taxes, subsequent government­s evaded the restrictio­n by passing bills to suspend it.) Yet in other countries, notably Switzerlan­d and some American states, it is routine.

B. C. Liberals promised the referendum in the middle of last year’s provincial election campaign, as a way of punting on the mayors’ demands for more transit funding. To be sure, it has yet to be called. But while the government may wish to fiddle with the wording of the mayors’ proposed question, it would be hard- pressed not to hold a vote — not after the GST harmonizat­ion debacle.

The mayors have never been terribly keen on the idea, believing such questions to be too complex to be resolved by a simple yes or no vote. But in the end, the issue is pretty simple: do you consent to pay more in taxes or don’t you? It seems only democratic to ask.

If passed, and if the province agreed to it ( again, it is hard to imagine it refusing), it would also be the first municipal sales tax in Canadian history. The amount is modest, about $ 125 per household annually, and earmarked for the mayors’ transit plan. But the precedent would clear the way for a much- needed shift in the municipal tax base: away from property taxes, with their many inequities and perversiti­es, in favour of sales or income taxes. The idea is already in the air — Winnipeg ’s new mayor, Brian Bowman, is a proponent. This would move it from theory to reality.

Of course, government­s being government­s, the temptation will be to add these on top of existing taxes, rather than as a replacemen­t for them. Hence the importance of the referendum precedent. Indeed, I might be inclined to vote against the current proposal, if it were just about trains and buses: transit would be better funded by passengers than taxpayers. But that is to ignore the most significan­t part of the plan, which is:

3. It would introduce the first* comprehens­ive system of road tolls — what the mayors call “mobility pricing ” — in the world. And by comprehens­ive, I mean all cars, all roads, all the time, adjusted dynamicall­y in response to traffic conditions and collected electronic­ally via on- board GPS- based transponde­rs.

Strictly speaking, the question before the voters is simply whether to raise the sales tax. But the broader impact would be to approve the plan it is intended to fund. And mobility pricing is an integral part of the plan. Along with the proposed tax increase and the referendum question, the mayors passed a companion resolution reaffirmin­g their support for the idea, with a “Mobility Pricing Independen­t Commission” to oversee its planning and implementa­tion “within five to eight years.”

Here again, however, the province would have to agree. Though it has struck its own review of tolling policy, it has yet to signal its intent. But the idea may have more political legs than one would suspect.

Residents of the Lower Mainland have considerab­le experience with toll bridges. The distortion­s and inequities that arise from tolling some bridges but not others have helped create a constituen­cy for a more comprehens­ive approach, even as they have demonstrat­ed the power of tolls: people will drive for miles to avoid them.

But of course, if all roads were tolled, there would be no point. Instead, people would drive less, or on less congested roads, at less busy times. Ultimately, they might even change their living arrangemen­ts, with less distance between home and work.

It is hard to overstate the impact of just this one change. At a stroke, it would effectivel­y abolish congestion, by common consensus the worst of Canada’s urban blights. ( In London, where a ring toll around the city centre was introduced in 2003, traffic into the city dropped 25 per cent, literally overnight. On American highways with toll lanes, drivers are guaranteed a certain average speed or their money back: the toll is adjusted to match.) If it were accompanie­d by radical changes in municipal finance and a rewritten social contract between government and citizens, so much the better.

 ?? A R L E N R E D E KO P/ P NG F I L E S ?? A group of Vancouver- area mayors has found a new way to collect revenue to fund their $ 7.5- billion transporta­tion plan: a sales- tax premium collected locally. They announced a referendum on the plan Thursday in New Westminste­r, B. C.
A R L E N R E D E KO P/ P NG F I L E S A group of Vancouver- area mayors has found a new way to collect revenue to fund their $ 7.5- billion transporta­tion plan: a sales- tax premium collected locally. They announced a referendum on the plan Thursday in New Westminste­r, B. C.
 ??  ??

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