Medicine Hat News

Ticked Off & Tickled Pink



Phone: 403-528-5682

Email: ticked@medicineha­ Ticked Off and Tickled Pink provides a venue for the free exchange of ideas in our community. While we encourage comments on every topic, the News reserves the right to edit them for length, timeliness, libel and decency. No identifyin­g factors can be present in the submission­s.

Ticked Off

Alberta has a very high rate of COVID cases, Medicine Hat has gone from low double digit cases to 103 in a matter of days, why are we the only province without a mask bylaw?! What is the provincial government and our city council waiting for... more deaths? We wear seat belts to protect ourselves, what is so wrong with wearing a mask, low-teens percentage of Hatters seem to care!

Ticked Off

I can’t believe that Canadians would be responsibl­e for electing Justin Trudeau as our leader on the world stage. In his own words “that really sucks.”

Ticked Off

When our mayor said Medicine Hat was somewhat of an outlier in the entire country, did he really mean naive and negligent? Time to act is long past due, pass a bylaw on public mask use.

Tickled Pink

I’m tickled pink that Medicine Hat city council has held off on any mandatory mask bylaw, giving this matter careful considerat­ion before rushing in like everybody else.

Ticked Off

Not all teachers want to shut down schools. Schools have been one of the safest places in our community and now these children will be able to socialize at all hours of the day, increasing the risk of spreading the virus.

Ticked Off

UCP logic; my husband and I cannot take our children to visit their grandparen­ts in their home. However, we can spend hours with them at the mall without the need of masks. I feel so much safer!

Ticked Off

Ridiculous! Funerals are restricted to a congregati­on of 10, however regular services allow for attendance­s in the hundreds inside large churches.

Ticked Off

With the holiday shopping season now in full gear, it is time our procrastin­ating city council enacted a mask bylaw for all public places including transporta­tion. Medicine Hat is the largest municipali­ty in Canada without this public safety mandate. It is about time to give business some support in protecting their staff and customers.

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