Medicine Hat News

New 508-million-year-old worm found at Burgess Shale


TORONTO A new fossil species of bristle worm has been found at the 508-millionyea­r-old Marble Canyon site in B.C.’s Kootenay National Park.

The worm, found by researcher­s from the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Toronto, is called Kootenaysc­olex barbarensi­s.

“It’s a totally new species to science,” says Karma Nanglu, a PhD candidate in the department of ecology and evolutiona­ry biology at the University of Toronto. “It’s really small and so it’s a lot smaller than the two best known (bristle worms) from the Burgess Shale.

“It’s about two-and-a-half centimetre­s in total length.”

The fossil, which must be viewed through a microscope, is one of the best preserved fossil species they’ve found in the area.

It’s helping scientists better understand annelids, a group of animals that includes present-day leeches and earthworms. The early evolutiona­ry history of annelids, in particular the origin of their heads, has a relatively poor fossil record.

Nanglu said Kootenaysc­olex barbarensi­s is unlike any other bristle worm that’s been studied due to its more complex head.

“Previously all of the Burgess Shale (bristle worms) were thought to have a relatively simple head,” he said. “It’s pretty much similar to the pattern that we would expect if you look at the modern forms and try to trace back what their early ancestor might have looked like.

“This (bristle worm) is a little bit different.”

The fossil also provides insight into its role in the food chain.

They found sediment in the gut that suggests that the worms played an important role by recycling organic material back to other animals that preyed on them — similar to their present-day relatives.

The research was published Monday in the journal Current Biology.

The Marble Canyon fossil site, home to at least a dozen new species, was stumbled upon by researcher­s in 2012 in Kootenay National Park as they worked at the nearby Stanley Glacier site.

It’s believed the area and its fossils will further the understand­ing of animal life during the Cambrian Period, when most of the major groups of animals appear on the fossil record.

The site is about 40 kilometres south of the original Burgess Shale in Yoho National Park, which was discovered more than 100 years ago.

 ?? CP HANDOUT COURTESY THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM ?? The Marble Canyon quarry site. Metal and plastic cans are used to contain carefully wrapped fossils, which are then airlifted by helicopter and finally transporte­d by truck to the Royal Ontario Museum for storage and study as shown in this handout image.
CP HANDOUT COURTESY THE ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM The Marble Canyon quarry site. Metal and plastic cans are used to contain carefully wrapped fossils, which are then airlifted by helicopter and finally transporte­d by truck to the Royal Ontario Museum for storage and study as shown in this handout image.

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