Medicine Hat News

Talons pick up win at FLC

Eagle Butte, Hat High volleyball teams building

- SEAN ROONEY srooney@medicineha­ Twitter: MHNRooney

The socks don’t make the team, but they’re a pretty good sign of what’s going on with Eagle Butte varsity girls volleyball.

The Talons sported matching pink socks in contrast to their teal uniforms at the Family Leisure Centre Tuesday, beating Hat High’s Kwahommies 3-0 (25-22, 2518, 25-20). For a squad which typically features a lot of close friends who grew up together, it’s more a signpost of what already exists than something which brings them closer.

“Our team gets along so well,” noted Grade 12 player Katie Arnott. “We work together, we know each other, we know what to expect and we just are honestly the best of friends.

“It’s good to have them on your team, to have them by your side to bring you up when you’re down and celebrate with you when you’re up.” Why pink? “Originally we were going to do it for this month since it’s breast cancer month, but we decided we would do it for the rest of the year,” said Leeanne Arnott, Katie’s sister who’s in Grade 11. “People get breast cancer all the time.”

That camraderie showed in spades at the Leisure Centre, with few communicat­ion errors and no chance for the Kwahommies to find momentum. The now 5-0 Talons have been second in a lot of tournament­s, and would like to see some first-place results as the season nears its end.

“Working on consistenc­y, continuall­y being driven to practice and bring that onto the court,” said co-coach Mark Resch when asked about his team’s strengths. “That’s where they’ll get their dividends from, the hard work and that’ll pay out in the long run.”

Hat High is no different in that regard, but it’s been an unusual season having to practice and play at the new courts at the Leisure Centre due to the massive constructi­on project which will result in a new gym at their school next year. Their league record is now 3-2.

“We practice here so it’s been a hard adjustment, it’s different,” said Grade 12 libero Makayla Schultz. “It’s really different but it’s been good.”

An early medal at a tournament in Calgary was a nice result for Hat High, which will compete in zones in Lethbridge next month against Chinook and Catholic Central.

For both teams, however, the league playoffs will take place in two weeks’ time at Crescent Heights. McCoy is considered the front-runner but the Talons have taken a set off them and would love to turn that into a match victory at the right time. The Colts’ tournament is this weekend.

“Since Grade 10, JV, we’ve always had competitio­n with McCoy,” said Katie Arnott. “I think this year might be the year we finally get to compete with them, get up close with them and maybe get under their skin again to beat them.”

In other league play Tuesday, Crescent Heights beat Brooks 3-2 at home. Eagle Butte’s junior girls won 3-0 over Hat High, while Brooks’ juniors took a 3-2 win over the Vikings.

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