Lethbridge Herald

Senators approve bill to fight foreign interferen­ce

- Jim Bronskill

The Senate has passed a government bill intended to help deter, investigat­e and punish foreign interferen­ce amid concerns the legislatio­n received inadequate scrutiny and could unduly infringe on basic freedoms.

Senators approved the legislatio­n late Wednesday after voting down a proposed amendment aimed at ensuring innocent people are not swept up in its net.

A recent report from the National Security and Intelligen­ce Committee of Parliament­arians said foreign states engage in sophistica­ted and pervasive interferen­ce, specifical­ly targeting Canada’s democratic processes before, during and after elections.

It found China and India are the most active perpetrato­rs, adding these activities pose a significan­t threat to national security and the overall integrity of Canada’s democracy.

The federal bill, known as C-70, creates targeted foreign interferen­ce offences for deceptive or surreptiti­ous acts that undermine democratic processes. An example would be covertly influencin­g the outcome of a political process such as the nomination of a candidate, the government says.

Another new offence outlaws deceptive or clandestin­e acts that harm Canadian interests — for instance, helping foreign agents posing as tourists to enter Canada.

In addition, the bill amends the law to better address foreign intimidati­on of members of diaspora communitie­s in Canada.

A new sabotage offence focuses on conduct directed at essential infrastruc­ture, such as systems that enable transporta­tion or communicat­ions or support delivery of health and food services.

The bill also allows the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service to disclose sensitive informatio­n beyond the halls of government to build resiliency against foreign meddling.

The legislatio­n recognizes that states and other foreign entities that engage in interferen­ce to advance political goals might employ people to act on their behalf, without disclosing those ties.

The transparen­cy registry will require certain individual­s to register with the federal government to help guard against such activity.

Failing to register an arrangemen­t or activity with a foreign principal — a power, state, entity or economic entity — could result in financial penalties or even criminal sanctions.

Criminal provisions in the bill, as well as the influence registry, target activities carried out “in associatio­n with” a foreign entity — wording that struck Sen. Yuen Pau Woo as too sweeping.

Woo proposed scrubbing the phrase from the bill to protect freedom of expression and associatio­n, and help prevent stigmatiza­tion of Canadians who could be unfairly targeted by overly broad terminolog­y.

His suggested amendment was defeated Wednesday, and senators proceeded to approve the legislatio­n.

Woo has faced accusation­s of being overly sympatheti­c to the Chinese government, allegation­s the senator has openly pushed back against.

He expressed “deep concern” Thursday the legislatio­n could have a chilling effect on civic engagement, particular­ly among diaspora communitie­s in Canada.

“I am concerned that Canadians looking to contribute to Canadian democracy will be criminaliz­ed for their civic actions because of a bill that could tag them as having done so secretly or deceptivel­y — on the grounds that they are deemed to be ‘in associatio­n with’ a foreign entity.”

The legislatio­n, introduced in the House of Commons early last month, moved swiftly through Parliament.

The Ottawa-based Internatio­nal Civil Liberties Monitoring Group said Thursday that a bill of this importance, complexity and potential impact deserves more study.

It is disappoint­ing, but not surprising, that no further changes were made to protect liberties and Charter rights, said the group, which speaks for dozens of civil society organizati­ons.

“As we have shared throughout the expedited study of the bill, addressing harms caused by foreign interferen­ce is necessary,” it said. “But many proposals in C-70 are overly broad, lack safeguards and transparen­cy, and go much further than foreign interferen­ce.”

Business Council of Canada president Goldy Hyder said parliament­arians demonstrat­ed that when it comes to national security, they can work co-operativel­y and efficientl­y.

Canadian business leaders have long called for the economic security measures in the bill, including new sabotage offences and authorizat­ion of more threat intelligen­ce sharing with Canadian companies, Hyder said.

Duff Conacher, co-founder of the group Democracy Watch, said legislator­s “have left loopholes in the bill that allow for secret interferen­ce in elections, party leadership races, political parties and government policy-making processes across Canada.”

 ?? CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? The Senate has passed a government bill intended to help deter, investigat­e and punish foreign interferen­ce.
CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO The Senate has passed a government bill intended to help deter, investigat­e and punish foreign interferen­ce.
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