Lethbridge Herald

Community well on its way to reaching waste targets



Congratula­tions are due Lethbridge city council. A decade ago a municipal target was set for 50 per cent reduction by 2030 in kilograms of waste per capita dumped annually in our landfill.

Our community is well on the way to meeting that target across all sectors – residentia­l, industrial/ commercial/institutio­nal and constructi­on demolition.

Leadership from City Council and administra­tion, current and past, has helped Lethbridge households get on board with waste reduction.

Waste audits have shown that implementa­tion of the curbside blue cart/recycling program beginning in 2019 achieved a 15 per cent diversion of residentia­l waste.

The curbside green cart/organics program that began implementa­tion in 2022 experience­d an 85% participat­ion rate and has diverted almost six million kilograms of waste (55 kg/capita) in its first year.

Additional organic waste diversion across all sectors is anticipate­d.

The organic waste is being converted into compost for use in yards and green spaces.

Benefits of these waste diversion programs include increasing the life span of our landfill, economic return on recyclable­s, reducing the risk of leachate pollution and management costs, and minimizing production of landfill methane thereby significan­tly mitigating climate change impacts.

As our community embarks on a climate adaptation strategy and action plan it is helpful to reflect on the progress made by residents over a relatively short period of time in significan­tly reducing waste.

It provides evidence that we can be an environmen­tally responsibl­e city and bodes well for collective­ly improving our resilience to climate impacts including water conservati­on, drought- and fire-proofing our urban landscape and conserving natural areas and biodiversi­ty.

Cheryl Bradley

Chair, WasteLESS team of Environmen­t Lethbridge

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