Lethbridge Herald

Birds of Prey unveils new feature


The FortisAlbe­rta Wetlands Viewpoint was unveiled at the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre recently. It has been two years in the making with support from the electricit­y distributi­on utility.

The new feature is located near the main entrance and includes a large picnic shelter with eating area, spotting scopes, benches, numerous interpreti­ve signs and walking trail making it a wetlands environmen­tal learning mecca.

Colin Weir, Alberta Birds of Prey Managing Director had a surprise for FortisAlbe­rta employees who also asked to place a memorial bench along the trail to honour their late Community Investment Advisor, Debbie Bowering, who passed away in 2022.

She had worked closely with Colin on various projects that FortisAlbe­rta has supported on site such as the Hawk Walk, Mosquito Terminator, Owl Amphitheat­re and Demonstrat­ion Power Line area.

In a bitterswee­t addition to the project reveal, Colin asked Debbie’s children to help release a rehabilita­ted hawk and owl as part of the ceremony. He also presented FortisAlbe­rta with a bird house, a miniature version of the picnic shelter.

Lisa Reis, Councillor spoke on behalf of the Town of Coaldale saying that the Centre is a source of pride for the town and Alberta. She congratula­ted FortisAlbe­rta for their long-standing commitment to the environmen­t, avian protection and the Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation. Mayor Jack Van Rijn and Councillor­s Jacen Abrey, Bill Chapman and Dale Pickering we also on hand.

With 129,000 kilometers of mostly overhead power lines, FortisAlbe­rta developed an Avian Protection Plan to keep birds safe as they find their perfect perch on power poles and lines. Colin served as an advisor to FortisAlbe­rta and is key in rehabilita­ting injured birds.

FortisAlbe­rta serves over half a million customers in 240 communitie­s. In 2023, FortisAlbe­rta opened a net-zero operations facility in Coaldale to better serve the community.

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