Lethbridge Herald

School board suffers third student death



The parents of a 13-year-old Cape Breton girl who took her own life on Father’s Day are speaking out about their ordeal, as the local school board also looks for more support in the wake of the deaths of two other students this year.

Chris Royal and Amylynn Wilson of North Sydney, N.S., said bullying led to the death of their daughter Madison Wilson and more needs to be done to ensure it doesn’t happen to other young people.

They said their daughter was subject to verbal abuse at school and through social media.

“We are speaking to help other children and other families not to go through what we are going through this week,” Royal said in a telephone interview Wednesday.

Wilson said although her daughter had talked to some extent about her problems, both parents had no idea how severe they were. Wilson said other kids have to know that they can talk to others.

“It’s OK to ask for the help and tell what’s going on, to let it out so they are not keeping it in,” she said.

Darren Googoo, chairman of the Cape Breton Victoria School board, said Wednesday that three students have lost their lives this year and the board is drafting a letter to the provincial Education Department with the idea of starting a dialogue on the issue.

“Our students are dealing with the trauma associated with the loss of a schoolmate and going into the summer months we want to make sure that we have a more co-ordinated approach with our provincial partners in health, in terms of providing services,” Googoo said in an interview.

Googoo said one of the challenges facing schools is that they only provide support services for students from September to June.

“We recognize that there may be some students that will be struggling with this over the summer so we want to make sure there will be services available,” he said.

Googoo added that services are in place in the community that can provide help and it’s a matter of making people aware.

“The mental health unit at the regional hospital is available, there are clinicians, so the mental health model is in place, we just need to make sure that our students are aware of it.”

Royal said more should be done to encourage students to come forward to seek help within the school setting.

“They say zero tolerance in the schools and we are told that, but yet it’s not zero tolerance,” he said. “That’s why the kids don’t trust going to the teachers because the next day they are going to face their enemy, anyway.”

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