Lethbridge Herald

Too much nothing getting done in courts



I just saw on the news that more court cases are being thrown out because they have been in the system too long. I thought lawyers and judges went to school to learn to read. Apparently not, because every day in the paper there are notices that trials have to be delayed so that the lawyers and judges need more time to study the case — or is it they are just jacking up their fees? I wonder!

The justice system in Alberta is totally a mess. I talked with a police officer and he said that they do their job of collecting the people who are disobeying the law one way or another, doing the proper paperwork, etc., and that they have to take time to attend court, only to have a lot of the cases dismissed for no apparent reasons. What a waste of time and resources.

While I’m at it, what about all these cellphones everyone is on while driving? A simple solution would be to just seize the phone for three days when caught. How about the guys who have had their driving privileges suspended for DUI or other infraction­s? Seize the vehicle for a week. If it’s his mother’s vehicle or his boss’s, you think they might get the message pretty quick without bothering the courts?

Obviously something has to be done to rectify all this nothing getting done! Hey, folks involved, get your act together and do a day’s work for a day’s pay for a change.

Jack Collier


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