Lethbridge Herald

Where’s compassion for the working class?


Does an “advanced society” refuse food, housing and medical help to many of its citizens? In the new right-wing world, not just cities, countries, but even families are committing triage on sons and daughters. This is not only happening in the Middle East, Africa, or China, where relatives are sold into slavery. Canada, as recent court cases show, has abuses, too. Has our focus shifted too far to the right, judging everything by the dollar value?

There used to be something called compassion. Not that church history has much to recommend with its Crusades, Inquisitio­ns, and approval of economic sanctions. Starving, burning and slaughter by the millions is still ongoing; and seems so satisfying to the geopolitic­al old guard. Maybe the local youth doping practice is in response to a pessimisti­c future they see for themselves. They see few good jobs with benefits, except for the elites. All resources are being privatized for the subsidized, and incentiviz­ed, with endless tax breaks for business; who won’t share. Nobody even talks about the majority, the working class. We endlessly hear about the middle and one per cent, and their needs. More power for the corporate robber execs and profession­al pundits, who don’t register with our youth. It is the concerted opinion of the P&P (pundits and politician­s) that endless growth of trading and trickle-down poverty will save ... who?

Is this model the best the big shots in Davos, New York and London can produce? In my book they get a failed grade and expelled. It’s time to rewrite those rules, and reshuffle the deck with a new guard.

Don Ryane


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