Journal Pioneer

‘Fasten your seatbelts’

Legault not done shaking up Quebec


QUEBEC — Premier François Legault has urged Quebecers to “fasten their seat belts” — because he’s not done reforming the province.

And while promising more of the same frenzied pace of government in 2020, Legault said he prefers to correct and adjust for mistakes as he goes along, as was the case in the debacle over reforms to the Quebec Experience Program for immigrants.

As for court challenges to Bill 21, the government’s secularism law, Legault said he’s ready to go all the way to the Supreme Court to defend the law.

At a news conference wrapping up the fall sitting of the National Assembly on Friday, Legault papered over criticism that his government is hyperactiv­e, treats the opposition with disdain and drafts laws and policies that are full of holes.

He noted after 14 months in office he continues to have high approval ratings, and said he got a strong signal that the Coalition Avenir Québec is on the right track in Monday’s stunning byelection win in the Liberal fortress riding of Jean-Talon.

“Fasten your seatbelts,” Legault, a former airline executive, told reporters who asked if he has any intention of throttling down. “We are not done changing things. Quebecers elected us to make changes.

“It can happen that we sometimes go a bit fast, but we correct ourselves when we don’t go where we wanted to go.”

But Friday’s sitting was far from smooth, even though it wrapped up with political leaders exchanging courteous holiday greetings in the house after weeks of rancour.

After the rough and tumble spring sitting — during which the CAQ adopted controvers­ial legislatio­n like Bill 21 and Bill 9, reforming the immigratio­n system, Legault’s government tried to tackle even bigger reforms.

Not all of them were successful. Trapped at the committee level — meaning not yet passed into law — are Bill 40, abolishing school boards, and Bill 39, reforming the electoral system.

Each face ample opposition — in the legislatur­e and beyond. The CAQ did manage to raise the legal age to consume pot to 21, and passed a bill on its prekinderg­arten plan, but in both cases the bills were watered down by the opposition parties.

New regulation­s on dangerous dogs were adopted, and Legault said the average Quebecer has $1,000 more in their pockets thanks to various measures in Finance Minister Eric Girard’s Nov. 7 economic update.

But there were a number of blunders on the part of the CAQ cabinet.

At the top of the list was Immigratio­n Minister Simon JolinBarre­tte’s botched attempt to reform the Quebec Experience Program, which forced him to shelve — for now — other reforms, like toughening up Quebec’s language laws.

“It was supposed to be the autumn of language but instead it became the autumn of errors,” said interim Parti Québécois leader Pascal Bérubé.

Jolin-Barrette served as the main opposition punching bag as the last days of the session were marked by paralyzed committees and an explosive atmosphere in the house, which Speaker François Paradis struggled to control.

“Simon Jolin-Barrette acts like the blue room was his room alone,” Québec solidaire cospokespe­rson Gabriel NadeauDubo­is told reporters. “He shoves, he imposes, he charges.”

“I hope Mr. Jolin-Barrette makes a wish to Santa Claus,” PQ house leader Martin Ouellet added. “Give me some ears, give me some heart and I will do better.”

Later, standing next to Legault at the premier’s news conference, Jolin-Barrette responded candidly when asked if had learned anything in 2019 on how to govern.

“I learned we have to consult more,” he said.

Legault insisted he has full confidence in his minister and has no plans to shuffle his cabinet — his “dream team.”

“I sense Quebecers are proud of their government,” Legault said. “I think Quebecers are satisfied because we respect our promises.”

But his deputy premier, Geneviève Guilbault, who will be absent for weeks to have her second child, gave a different answer when she was asked what she learned in 2019.

“We learned that we have to be patient in order to be able to make all the changes that Quebecers expect,” Guilbault said. MNAs are not quite home free for the holidays. They will be back at work on Saturday for a special session to adopt a bill on hydro rates.

The National Assembly resumes sitting Feb. 4.

 ?? POSTMEDIA ?? Premier François Legault closed National Assembly session last week promising more of the same from his Coalition Avenir Québec government.
POSTMEDIA Premier François Legault closed National Assembly session last week promising more of the same from his Coalition Avenir Québec government.

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