Journal Pioneer

The gray apocalypse


I have been a senior (over 65) for many years and am getting a little tired of being construed by the rah-rah champions of moregrowth capitalism as a liability. You know what I mean, that singsong mantra of the governing class that our Island economy is in deep shit because we have too many seniors.

It is discrimina­tory and insulting, and it is wrong: just another of the unbalanced assumption­s that flow every day from the high priests of the gospel of more. You know the ones I mean. The ones fixated on the belief that we must do whatever it takes to keep the GDP growing. And one of their conclusion­s is that having too many seniors works against that and is therefore a sign of a flawed society.

How heartless and cold-blooded is that? And how crass.

It ignores the fact that, for starters, many seniors remain as productive, industriou­s members of the economy into their seventies and eighties, even nineties. How about a societal analysis that acknowledg­es, even promotes that? And, more importantl­y, it ignores what all healthy societies have known forever, that seniors bring to the culture many gifts that may not have a cash value but are priceless.

It reminds me of the time, years ago, when the then president of UPEI, Wade MacLauchla­n, discontinu­ed the practice of allowing seniors to take courses tuitionfre­e. I was teaching history there at the time and one day, without warning, and without any discussion whatsoever with faculty, we were all simply informed that the practice was terminated.

As a teacher I was extremely disappoint­ed. Because of the notuition policy I almost always had a handful of seniors in my classes and I can’t tell you how they enhanced the process with their presence. For starters, they were among the most interested and attentive students in the classes, and often asked the best questions, based on a lifetime of knowledge and experience.

Further, very often relationsh­ips developed between the young students and the seniors; relationsh­ips that were mutually beneficial and useful. In a nutshell, it was a lovely and useful tradition, and went on for years, then suddenly it was over.

And why?

Money that’s why. Just another example of what happens when the narrow calculus of profit dominates decision-making to the exclusion of a more holistic understand­ing of what is necessary to foster a healthy, congenial community – just the way the value of having all those seniors in the classes was callously disregarde­d.

It was recently reported that Statistics Canada has made the dire announceme­nt that unless measures are taken Canada, by 2031, could have the proportion of seniors they now have in Japan, where one out of every four citizens is old. Shudder, shudder! What a fate. The grey apocalypse is upon us. And how are we seniors supposed to feel about that? Well, this senior feels angry. And also a little sad for our greed-driven civilizati­on that has lost its senses, and tossed aside wisdom, on the way to the bank.

David Weale, Charlottet­own

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