Journal Pioneer

Was it the will of the House or public pressure?


In the end they did the right thing. Island MLAS on Tuesday, tabled legislatio­n that will kill a mandatory two per cent pay hike for the members of the provincial legislatur­e. It’s the right choice and one most Islanders will support.

The surprising issue about this decision is that there was so much debate.

It’s hard to believe that MLAS with any connection to the folks they represent had to think twice about the move at all.

First they said it would be too difficult or some such nonsense to change it and now, as it turns out, it wasn’t so hard after all.

Provincial Finance Minister Wes Sheridan acknowledg­ed the pay freeze was debated heavily among the Liberal caucus. Opposition Tory leader Olive Crane, who initially supported the extra cash before later changing her mind, is today happy with the decision to freeze her wages.

It’s good public relations for the MLAS to stop the hike from going forward. By the time the next election rolls around they will no doubt be trumpeting the move and proclaimin­g themselves as great fiscal managers willing to take a financial hit themselves, without, of course, mentioning that this no-brainer had to be ‘ heavily’ debated.

Even in freezing their wages Sheridan dug up the old lines: "...the commission is arm’s-length and they put together a solid recommenda­tion (to increase MLAS’ salaries)" and "’s very difficult to continue to get the quality and the individual­s that we need in the house..." (A backhanded sort of way of saying that if you’re not an ultra-successful white-collar type you’re not welcome or qualified.)

Hopefully most Islanders will remember this at the next vote. And hopefully most politician­s will remember that big brother doesn’t always know best — sometimes the fear of outrage among the constituen­ts is what’s needed to force the right decision on the floor of the Assembly.

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