Edmonton Journal

MCLEOD, Dr. Robin Robin Fauquier

OC, MD, FRCSC, FACS 1951-2024


A humble life of high achievemen­t has come to an unexpected but peaceful end. Robin died of Alzheimer’s disease on Tuesday, February 6 at Bridgepoin­t Hospital in Toronto. She was the beloved wife of John Fauquier and devoted mother to Claire (Pat Purdy and son Felix, born January 11, 2024) and Stephanie. She is mourned by her sister Peggy Ziegler (Larry), niece Jane Malinowski (Tony) and nephew Christian of Edmonton as well as her sister-in-law, Catherine Fauquier.

Robin was proud of being raised in the small town of Spruce Grove, Alberta and also as a graduate of “Ross Shep” in Edmonton. She graduated from the University of Alberta in medicine. Surgical training was at the University of Toronto, McMaster University and the Cleveland Clinic. She was on the staff of the University Health Network, Mt. Sinai Hospital and a Vice President, Clinical Programs and Quality Initiative­s at Cancer Care Ontario. A long-time Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, Robin trained hundreds of residents in general and colorectal surgery. She had a very distinguis­hed career in medical research.

Dr. Robin McLeod was a strong leader and supporter of women in surgery. Among other duties, she was president of the Canadian Associatio­n of General Surgeons (CAGS), Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), and the American Surgical Associatio­n (ASA). An honorary fellow of many internatio­nal surgical societies, she was named an Officer in the Order of Canada in November 2019.

Her reputation included being a fine technical surgeon and excellent ‘very tough but fair’ teacher: The ultimate team player, Robin was well known for hosting countless dinners in her home for visiting surgeons and residents. At the hospital, she was noted for annually providing countless batches of chocolate-chip cookies at Christmas and pancake breakfasts for the residents.

On the family side, Robin Fauquier loved long walks as well as playing tennis at the Badminton & Racquet Club and the cottage on Kawagama Lake. As a loving mother, she stayed up late every Christmas Eve for 30 years to hand-make presents and sew festive pyjamas for Claire and Stephanie. Then there were the endless costumes for Halloween and all sorts of parties, clubs and festivitie­s. For one medical meeting in Chicago at Easter, she brought treats that got stuffed into the hotel room cushions so the girls would not miss the Easter hunt.

From May to September this past year, Stephanie honoured Robin by participat­ing in 10 triathlons, one in each Canadian province. The project was named “Race with Steph” and has created the Dr. Robin McLeod Research Scholarshi­p at the Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegen­erative Diseases, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. In lieu of flowers, donations to it would be greatly appreciate­d. (https://www.racewithst­eph.com)

Funeral arrangemen­ts are incomplete at this time. A celebratio­n of life is being planned in the month of March; details to follow

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